A PHP wrapper for IPaidThat's API (V2).
You can manage customers, invoices, invoice's items.
- IPaidThat-PHP
- Table of contents
- Installation
- Usage
- List or filter customers
- Get a customer
- Create a customer
- Update a customer
- Delete a customer
- List or filter invoices
- Get an invoice
- Create an invoice
- Update an invoice
- Download an invoice
- Validate an invoice
- Delete an invoice
- List or filter invoice items
- Get an invoice item
- Add an item to an invoice
- Update an invoice item
- delete an invoice item
- Contributing
- License
Using composer
composer require ashraam/ipaidthat-php
This method returns an array of customers
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$customers = $api->customers()->list();
// With filters
$customers = $api->customers()->list([
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]'
Available filters: external_id, name, last_name, first_name, email, siren
Please refer to the official documentation for more informations about types and requirements.
This methods returns a customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$customers = $api->customers()->get(123);
this methods returns the newly created customer
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$customer = $api->customers()->create(new Customer([
'external_id' => 'string',
'name' => 'string',
'first_name' => 'string',
'last_name' => 'string',
'siren' => 'string',
'vat' => 'string',
'address' => 'string',
'email' => 'string',
'phone' => 'phone',
'extra' => 'string'
this methods returns the updated customer
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$customer = $api->customers()->get(123);
$customer->first_name = 'Chuck';
$customer->last_name = 'Norris';
$customer = $api->customers()->update($customer);
This methods returns an empty response
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
This methods returns an array of invoices
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$invoices = $api->invoices()->list();
// With filters
$invoices = $api->invoices()->list([
'issue_date' => '2021-01-25',
'customer_id' => 123
Available filters : external_id, type, status, issue_date, number, generated_number, due_date, sent, customer_id, sender_id, customer, sender.
Please refer to the official documentation for more informations about types and requirements.
This methods returns an invoice by it's ID (without items)
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$invoice = $api->invoices()->get(750);
This methods returns the newly created invoice
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Invoice
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$invoice = $api->invoices()->create(new Invoice([
'external_id' => 'string, nullable',
'issue_date' => 'Y-m-d',
'type' => 'invoice|quote|order|credit|other',
'due_date' => 'Y-m-d',
'shipping' => 10.5,
'c_field_name_1' => 'string',
'c_field_value_1' => 'string',
'c_field_name_2' => 'string',
'c_field_value_2' => 'string',
'sender' => 'integer, nullable',
'customer' => 'interger, nullable',
'multi_page' => 'boolean',
'status' => 'draft|updating|not paid|paid',
'paid' => 'boolean'
This methods returns the updated invoice
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Invoice
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$invoice = $api->invoices()->get(123);
$invoice->due_date = '2021-12-15';
$invoice->multi_page = true;
$invoice = $api->invoices()->update($invoice);
This methods returns the string raw content of the PDF
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$contents = $api->invoices()->download(123);
file_put_contents('invoice.pdf', $contents);
This methods validate an invoice,
if the second parameter is set to true the invoice will be sent to the customer email address (default set to false
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$invoice = $api->invoices()->validate(123, true);
This methods returns an empty response
Validated document can't be delete
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
This methods returns an array of InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$items = $api->invoiceItems()->list();
// With filters
$items = $api->invoiceItems()->list([
'invoice_id' => 13255
Available filters: invoice_id, name, additionnal_info, invoice
This methods returns the item by it's ID
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$item = $api->invoiceItems()->get(455874);
This methods returns the newly created item
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$item = $api->invoiceItems()->create(new InvoiceItem([
'invoice' => $invoice_id, // Required
'name' => 'name', // Required
'unit_price' => 12.15 // Required
'quantity' => 1,
'tax_percent' => 20,
'discount_percent' => 5,
'additionnal_info' => '',
'position' => 1
This methods returns the updated item
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
$item = $api->invoiceItems()->get(455874);
$item->name = 'Edited name';
$item->quantity = 6;
$item = $api->invoiceItems()->update($item);
This methods returns an empty response
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat;
$api = new Ipaidthat('your_token');
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.