I am from Sri Lanka ๐ฑ๐ฐ, currently living in Oulu Finland ๐ซ๐ฎ.
I am an engineer with over 7 years of experience developing automation and digitization solutions in the telecommunications industry.
I will soon receive a Master's Degree in Wireless Communications Engineering from the University of Oulu, where I have been exploring and studying applications of AI, RL and DL in Wireless Communications Networks.
When I am not building dreams or volunteering to teach kids, you'll find me running outdoors ๐๐ฝ - rain, shine, or snow!, ๐บ Binge-watching Netflix's finest, and spending quality time with my beautiful wife Jero ๐ฉต.
Adaptive multi-agent systems by modeling other agents' communications and actions.
- Discrete State/Action Spaces
- Continuous State/Action Spaces This is a work in Progress - I am extending the discrete results to continuous state and action spaces using the MPE gym environment. On the left - Base Policy. On the right - Sequential Rollout.
As a part of the coursework for 521322S Telecommunication Engineering Project, I am leveraging Sionna from NVIDIA Labs - the open-source library to simulate the physical layer of wireless systems. Specifically, I am attempting to implement OFDM signal with sync and explore channel and data estimation comparing results with implementations on MATLAB.
Here is a summary of my project compilation.
External Interference Management Tool
RL, DL and ML
- Reinforcement Learning
- World Models
- Multi Robot Repair
- CartPole
- Cleanup and Harvest - PPO Agents in MARL
- DM Walker - Vanilla Policy Gradient Agent for Base Policy
- DM Walker - MPC on MPPI Agent with TD3
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
Communication Networks
Original implementation by ctallec
My contribution is the compatibility with Apple Silicon processors.Pytorch implementation of the "World Models" for ARM processors (Apple Silicon). I reimplemented the Paper: Ha and Schmidhuber, World Models compatible with Apple Silicon processors. On the right, you can see the agent's regenerated dream of the real observation (left) by using the VAE.
Multi Robot Repair
This is a work in progress. I am developing the simulator described in the paper - Multiagent Rollout and Policy Iteration for POMDP with Application to Multi-Robot Repair Problems.
- DQN Agent This is an attempt to understand how a DQN agent can be trained for a cartpole game.
- Vanilla Actor-Critic and PPO
This is my attempt to understand how to train a vanilla actor-critic and PPO agent for a cartpole game.
Cleanup and Harvest - PPO Agents in MARL
This is a self-study exploration of how to train PPO agents in a multi-agent setting. On the left you can see the PPO agents at work and on the right side compares to random actions. -
DM Walker - Vanilla Policy Gradient Agent for Base Policy
This is a self-study of how to train a vanilla policy gradient agent that can be used as a base policy for running MPC later on. -
DM Walker - MPC on MPPI Agent with TD3
This is a self-study of how to learn physics dynamics and a policy for walker-stand using TD3 and MPC based on MPPI.
Left - Vanilla PG Agent | Right - MPC Agent
- Multi-Modal Physical Exercise Classification Decision-level fusion for multimodal classification. Feature extraction. Feature-level fusion.
Transfer Learning A group project on transfer learning-based image classification for the course Deep Learning 2023. Collaborators :
- Suranga Wengappuli Arachchige : [email protected]
- Madhusanka, Manimel Wadu : [email protected]
Linear Regression Load data and create a train/test split. Build a Pytorch model for a simple linear regression problem. Training the model with gradient descent algorithm in Pytorch.
Fashion-MNIST classification Neural Network, Deep Neural Network, Loss Function and Optimization. Building a simple NN using numpy to understand the backpropagation. Gradient check using finite-difference approximation. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Regularization and simple hype-parameters tuning methods to improve NN performance.
Neural Network from scratch An interesting approach to explaining neurons, layers, and how weights and biases work using basic principles. YOUTUBE
- Optimal Wiener Filter
- Kalman Filter
- Extended Kalman Filter
- LMS Algorithm for Channel Equalizations
- RLS Algorithm
- Estimator Correlator
- Efficient Signal Estimator by Monte Carlo Simulation
- Maximum likelihood estimator. Linear Estimator
- MLE and LSE Estimators
- LMMSE Estimator. Signal Detection
- Linear algebra, Probabilities, Multivariate densities, and Matrices