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AUSTA-229 - Pull request for blueprints Win10 and Win2016 (#1)
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* NZOREG-152: Added blueprint "Create Win2019 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added blueprint "Create Win2022 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added blueprint "Create Win2016 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux". Added step "Deploy Post Setup PowerShell Script".

* NZOREG-152: Win10 autounattend.xml now calls PowerShell script. Blueprint "Create Win10 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux" has added step "Deploy Post Setup PowerShell Script".

* NZOREG-152: Started blueprint "Create Win2022 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Saving current progress for "Create Win2022 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Completed blueprint "Create Win2022 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win2019 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win2016 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Saving current progress for "Create Win10 UEFI autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Created blueprint "Create Win2022 UEFI autounattend Dual ISO on macOS".

* NZOREG-152: Created blueprint "Create Win2019 UEFI autounattend Dual ISO on macOS".

* NZOREG-152: Cleaned up autounattend.xml Mako parameters.

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win2016 UEFI autounattend Dual ISO on macOS".

* NZOREG-152: Cleaned up parameters.

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win10 BIOS autounattend Dual ISO on macOS".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Deploy Windows Server BIOS Unattended Config".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win2019 BIOS autounattend Dual ISO on macOS"

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win2022 BIOS autounattend Dual ISO on macOS"

* NZOREG-152: Made dual ISO kickstarts work on both macOS or Linux.

* NZOREG-152: Saving unsaved changes.

* NZOREG-152: Started "Create Win2019 UEFI autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Post Setup WIM".

* NZOREG-152: Linked in "Deploy Post Setup PowerShell Script".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Move Post Setup PowerShell Script to post_install_wim".

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create post_install.wim Windows Image".

* NZOREG-152: Cleaned up parameters.

* NZOREG-152: Migrated step "Modify WinPE boot.wim for 2019".

* NZOREG-152: Migrated step "Perform Recreate UEFI for WinPE ISO".

* NZOREG-152: Saving current progress of comments added to "Create Win2019 UEFI autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Finished adding comments to "Create Win2019 UEFI autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Added comments to "Create Win2022 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Saving curently added comments.

* NZOREG-152: Saving curently added comments.

* NZOREG-152: Finished adding comments to steps.

* NZOREG-152: Added comments to parameters.

* NZOREG-152: Made startnet.cmd automatically get the network interface name.

* NZOREG-152: Fixed bug in conditional Mako in autounattend.xml.

* NZOREG-152: Created re usable blueprint "Create Windows Server UEFI autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux" for Win2016, Win2019 and Win2022 UEFI WinPE ISO creation.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress for "Create Win10 UEFI autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Added Mako conditionals to Win10 autounattend.xml so it works with WinPE kickstarts.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Made autounattend.xml for Windows Server BIOS kickstarts is WinPE compatible.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Created step "Create Win2022 BIOS autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Created step "Create Win2019 BIOS autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux" and "Create Win2016 BIOS autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Modified Win10 BIOS autounattend.xml to be WinPE compatible.

* NZOREG-152: Added "Create Win10 BIOS autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Saving work in progress.

* NZOREG-152: Completed "Create WinPE Plain Win2019 BIOS ISO".

* NZOREG-152: Removed tmp blueprint.

* NZOREG-152: Added step "Confirm winpe_win2019_plain_bios.iso Does Not Exist".

* NZOREG-152: Added step "Confirm winpe_win2019_plain_bios.iso Exists".

* AUSTA-206: Started migrating blueprint "Create WinPE Plain Win2019 UEFI ISO".

* AUSTA-206: Saving work in progress.

* AUSTA-206: Migrated "Create WinPE Plain Win2019 UEFI ISO".

* AUSTA-206: Combined autounattend.xml into a generic version.

* AUSTA-206: Blueprint "Create Win10 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux" now uses the generic autounattend.xml.

* AUSTA-206: Changed Single BIOS ISO creation blueprints to use generic autounattend.xml.

* AUSTA-206: Changed Single UEFI ISO creation blueprints to use generic autounattend.xml.

* AUSTA-206: Dual ISO creation blueprints can do both BIOS or UEFI.

* AUSTA-206: There are now two WinPE ISO creation blueprints for each of BIOS and UEFI.

* AUSTA-206: Started blueprint "Create Windows autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Added conditional BIOS checks for step "LIN Recreate BIOS Boot WinPE ISO from winpe_staging".

* AUSTA-206: Finished blueprint "Create Windows autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux"

* AUSTA-206: Added comments to blueprint "Create Windows autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Ran autounattend.xml through xml prettifier.

* AUSTA-206: Merged Win10 Single ISO blueprints into "Create Win10 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Merged Win2016 Single ISO blueprints into "Create Win2016 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Merged Win2019 Single ISO blueprints into "Create Win2019 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Merged Win2022 Single ISO blueprints into "Create Win2022 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-206: Merged Win2022 WinPE plain BIOS and UEFI ISO creation blueprints into "Create WinPE Plain Win2019 ISO".

* AUSTA-206: Added comments to steps.

* AUSTA-206: Saving current progress of comments added to steps.

* AUSTA-206: Saving current progress of comments added to steps.

* AUSTA-212: Added -allow-limited-size to step "Create BIOS Boot ISO". Simplified if statements for checking BIOS or UEFI boots methods.

* AUSTA-213: In autounattend.xml, fixed Mako bug by changing isWinServerBIOS to isWinServerBios.

* AUSTA-206: Changed name of blueprint to "Create WinPE Plain ISO".

* AUSTA-217: Updated "Clean up Build Files and ISOs" and "Clean up Build Files and Drivers Files".

* AUSTA-217: Changed drivers folder name in autounattend.xml and startnet.cmd.

* AUSTA-217: Added step "Copy Drivers Drop in Folder".

* AUSTA-217: Saving unsaved changes.

* AUSTA-217: Updated the dual ISO creation blueprints to use the drivers folder.

* AUSTA-217: Updated blueprint "Create Windows autounattend WinPE ISO on Linux" to use the drivers folder.

* AUSTA-217: Updated autounattend.xml to include "postInstallSetupScriptDriveLetter" Mako parameter.

* AUSTA-217: Added blueprint "Perform Clean Up All".

* AUSTA-217: Added checks for existence of drop in drivers directory

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in step "Post Cleanup".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Extract Windows boot.img". Added step "Check Input Parameter Values for Win10 Single ISO Kickstart".

* AUSTA-218: Undid wrong bugfix in step "Extract Windows boot.img".

* AUSTA-218: Corrected name of drivers ISO in step "Create Answer File ISO on macOS or Linux".

* AUSTA-218: Explicitly added WinRM to start up automatically in post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Modified post_install_setup.ps1 to start WinRM automatically with batch script.

* AUSTA-218: Added Restart-Computer to the end of post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Added Restart-Computer -Force to the end of post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Added "Test Win BIOS Node".

* AUSTA-218: Added "Perform Test Win10".

* AUSTA-218: Added step "Check Input Parameter Values for Windows Server Single ISO Kickstart".

* AUSTA-218: Removed service config from post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Removed second restart in post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Added back in "Restart-Computer -Force" in post_install_setup.ps1.

* AUSTA-218: Modified autounattend.xml to login once as Administrator.

* AUSTA-218: Added "Perform Test Win2022".

* AUSTA-218: Added "Perform Test Win2016".

* AUSTA-218: Added Fixed bug in "Test Win2022".

* AUSTA-218: Added "Test Win UEFI Node".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Mount Empty UEFI for Single ISO".

* AUSTA-218: Added "Perform UEFI Post Cleanup".

* AUSTA-218: Added step "Set rx Permissions for sources Folder".

* AUSTA-218: Added blueprint "Attune v5 SWPE Install C wimlib" with step "SWPE Install exfatprogs".

* AUSTA-218: Step "Create Empty UEFI for Single ISO" now creates a exFAT ISO.

* AUSTA-218: Added "Create UEFI Boot ISO".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bugs in "Check Input Parameter Values for WinPE Kickstart".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Confirm Plain WinPE BIOS ISO Exists".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Confirm Plain WinPE UEFI ISO Exists"

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Copy and Rename WinPE BIOS ISO".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Copy and Rename WinPE UEFI ISO".

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in startnet.cmd.

* AUSTA-218: Saving current progress.

* AUSTA-218: Cleaned up Single ISO blueprints.

* AUSTA-218: Linked in step "Copy efisys_noprompt.bin into efisys.bin" in blueprint "Create Win10 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-218: Linked in step "Copy efisys_noprompt.bin into efisys.bin" to single ISO blueprints.

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in test Windows version steps.

* AUSTA-218: Updated "Create Win10 autounattend Dual ISO on macOS or Linux" to overwrite efisys.bin.

* AUSTA-218: Fixed bug in "Post Cleanup".

* AUSTA-219: Fixed bug in "Post Cleanup".

* AUSTA-218: "Create Win2019 autounattend Dual ISO on macOS or Linux" to overwrite efisys.bin.

* AUSTA-218: Updated "Create Win2016 autounattend Dual ISO on macOS or Linux" to overwrite efisys.bin.

* AUSTA-218: Deleted unused steps.

* Renamed project to Automate Windows Installation with autounattend - DEV

* Renamed project to Automate Windows Installation with autounattend

* AUSTA-234: Saving current changes.

* AUSTA-234: Saving current changes.

* AUSTA-218: Finished "Perform Test Win Node".

* AUSTA-234: Saving current changes.

* AUSTA-229: Created "Create Win10 autounattend Single ISO on Linux".

* AUSTA-234: Cleaned up "Perform Test Win Node".

* AUSTA-229: Added "Create Windows Server 2016 (Win2016) autounattend Single ISO on macOS or Linux Worker".

* AUSTA-226 - Moved blueprints.


Co-authored-by: Default User <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ServerTribe Attune <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 291c777 commit 4dbed16
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Showing 175 changed files with 86,206 additions and 416 deletions.
64 changes: 56 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,43 @@ This Project contains the following Blueprints.

### Create Win10 BIOS autounattend Single ISO on Linux
### Perform Post Cleanup

### Perform Test Win Node

### Create Windows 10 (Win10) autounattend Single ISO on macOS or Linux Worker

Creates a single Windows Desktop 10 ISO with `autounattend.xml` for unattended installation.

The ISO will be created at "{ksAttuneBaseDir}/kickstart_{kickstartedNode.fqn}.iso".
The ISO will be created at `{ksAttuneBaseDir}/kickstart_{kickstartedNode.fqn}.iso`.

For both BIOS and UEFI kickstarts.

For BIOS kickstarts please set `isWin10Bios` to the string 'true'.

For UEFI kickstarts please set `isWin10Uefi` to the string 'true'.

Please set `isWinPEKickstart` to the string 'false'.

This blueprint assumes the drivers drop in directory is at `{automationWorkerBaseDirectory}/drivers-{newOsNode.fqn}` and has the correct drivers dropped in.

### Create Windows Server 2016 (Win2016) autounattend Single ISO on macOS or Linux Worker

Creates a single Windows Server 2016 ISO with `autounattend.xml` for unattended installation.

The ISO will be created at `{ksAttuneBaseDir}/kickstart_{kickstartedNode.fqn}.iso`.

For both BIOS and UEFI kickstarts.

For BIOS kickstarts please set `isWinServerBios` to the string 'true'.

For UEFI kickstarts please set `isWinServerUefi` to the string 'true'.

Please set `isWinPEKickstart` to the string 'false'.

This blueprint assumes the drivers drop in directory is at `{automationWorkerBaseDirectory}/drivers-{newOsNode.fqn}` and has the correct drivers dropped in.

Expand All @@ -68,14 +100,27 @@ The ISO will be created at "{ksAttuneBaseDir}/kickstart_{kickstartedNode.fqn}.is

| Name | Type | Script Reference | Comment |
| ---- | ---- | ---------------- | ------- |
| Automation Worker Linux User | Linux/Unix Credential | `automationworkerlinuxuser` | non privilege user on the Automation Worker node. |
| Automation Worker Base Directory | Text | `automationworkerbasedirectory` | Base directory for deploying temporary files to build the kickstart ISO. |
| Automation Worker Linux Node | Linux/Unix Node | `automationworkerlinuxnode` | The device used to perform tasks to create the ISO. |
| Automation Worker Linux User | Linux/Unix Credential | `automationworkerlinuxuser` | Non privilege user on the Automation Worker node. |
| Drivers and Autounattend Drive Letter | Text | `driversandautounattenddriveletter` | The Windows drive letter containing the drivers and autounattend.xml as a single letter.<br><br>This will be different for each install method.<br>D for "Single ISO"<br>E for "Dual ISO"<br>X for "WinPE ISO" |
| Is Win10 BIOS | Text | `iswin10bios` | |
| Is Win10 UEFI | Text | `iswin10uefi` | |
| Is WinPE Kickstart | Text | `iswinpekickstart` | Set TRUE for WinPE kickstarts and FALSE for Single ISO and Dual ISO kickstarts. |
| Is Win Server BIOS | Text | `iswinserverbios` | |
| Is Win Server UEFI | Text | `iswinserveruefi` | |
| Kickstarted Boot Loader is BIOS | Text | `kickstartedbootloaderisbios` | |
| Kickstarted Boot Loader is UEFI | Text | `kickstartedbootloaderisuefi` | |
| Kickstarted Linux Node | Linux/Unix Node | `kickstartedlinuxnode` | Refers to the node being built. |
| Kickstarted Operating System Name | Text | `kickstartedoperatingsystemname` | Set as:<br>"Windows 10",<br>"Windows Server 2016",<br>"Windows Server 2019",<br>"Windows Server 2022" |
| Linux: Attune User - DELETE | Linux/Unix Credential | `linuxattuneuserdelete` | |
| New OS Node | Basic Node | `newosnode` | The New OS to be built. |
| New OS Node Subnet | Network IPv4 Subnet | `newosnodesubnet` | Subnet used by the new operating system to be built. |
| New OS Organisation Name | Text | `newosorganisationname` | Organisation name for the new operating system being created. |
| Automation Worker Base Directory | Text | `automationworkerbasedirectory` | Base directory for deploying temporary files to build the kickstart ISO. |
| New OS Interface Alias | Text | `newosinterfacealias` | This is the "InternetAlias" of the interface shown when you run "get-netipaddress" from powershell on the machine.<br><br>oVirt Deployments = "Ethernet Instance 0"<br>ESXi Deployments = "Ethernet0" |
| New OS Windows Node | Windows Node | `newoswindowsnode` | |
| New OS Windows TimeZone | Text | `newoswindowstimezone` | Get the full list using the PowerShell command:<br>Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable |
| New OS Windows User: Administrator | Windows Credential | `newoswindowsuseradministrator` | administrator user on the New OS to be built. |
| New OS Node Subnet | Network IPv4 Subnet | `newosnodesubnet` | Subnet used by the new operating system to be built. |
| Post Install Setup Script Drive Letter | Text | `postinstallsetupscriptdriveletter` | The Windows drive letter containing the Post Install PowerShell setup script post_install_setup.ps1 as a single letter as seen by the Windows installer.<br><br>This will be different for each install method.<br><br>D for "Single ISO"<br>E for "Dual ISO"<br>C for "WinPE ISO" |

Expand All @@ -84,8 +129,11 @@ The ISO will be created at "{ksAttuneBaseDir}/kickstart_{kickstartedNode.fqn}.is

| Name | Type | Comment |
| ---- | ---- | ------- |
| Win10 Unattended Config | Version Controlled Files | Windows Desktop 10 unattended.xml file with "Drivers" in the "D:\" drive for single ISO kickstarts. |
| Win10 Desktop ISO | Large Archives | A plain unaltered ISO |
| Post Install Setup PowerShell Script | Version Controlled Files | This file is called by the "<FirstLogonCommands>" section in the autounattend.xml file.<br><br>This script is run once post installation of the WIndows operating system. |
| Test File | Version Controlled Files | |
| Win10 Desktop ISO | Large Archives | Download from<br><br>Please select the English (United States) version. |
| Windows Unattended config | Version Controlled Files | For these Windows versions:<br>* WIndows Desktop 10<br>* WIndows Server 2016<br>* WIndows Server 2019<br>* WIndows Server 2022<br><br>For these boot methods:<br>* BIOS<br>* UEFI |
| WIN Raw Win2016 ISO | Large Archives | Download from |

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