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GBX.NET is a C#/.NET parser for Gbx files from Nadeo games. Supports deserialization of 200+ classes, where 70 %+ can be serialized back to Gbx.

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GBX.NET 2 is taking shape on v2 branch. Any attempt to help is appreciated!

GBX.NET is a GameBox (.Gbx) file parser library written in C# for .NET software framework. This file type can be seen in many of the Nadeo games like TrackMania, ShootMania or Virtual Skipper.

For any questions, open an issue, join the GameBox Sandbox Discord server or message me via DM: BigBang1112#9489.

Nuget GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) GitHub code size in bytes GitHub last commit (branch) Discord

  • GBX.NET can recognize entire Gbx files, however cannot read all of the existing files. Gbx file is basically a serialized class from the GameBox engine, and all of these classes must be known to read. Exploring new chunks can be done by reverse engineering the games.
  • GBX.NET can write most of the Gbx file types (those that can be read by the parser).
  • All versions of Gbx are supported: ranging from TM1.0 to TM®, except the Gbx versions below 3 (which haven't been seen so far, even in the oldest game).
  • GBX.NET 0.10.0+ is separated into MIT and GPL3.0, see License.
  • Reading text-formatted Gbx is not currently supported.
  • Reading compressed reference tables is not currently supported.
  • Reading Pak files is partially supported with the GBX.NET.PAK sublibrary, but it applies only to Paks from TMU/F.

Here are some of the useful classes/types to start with:

Latest extension Class Can read Can write Other extension/s
Map.Gbx CGameCtnChallenge Yes Yes Challenge.Gbx
Replay.Gbx CGameCtnReplayRecord Yes No1
Ghost.Gbx CGameCtnGhost Yes Yes
Clip.Gbx CGameCtnMediaClip Yes Yes
Item.Gbx CGameItemModel Yes No
Block.Gbx CGameItemModel Yes No
Mat.Gbx CPlugMaterialUserInst Yes Yes
Mesh.Gbx CPlugSolid2Model Yes2 Yes2
Shape.Gbx CPlugSurface Yes Yes
Macroblock.Gbx CGameCtnMacroBlockInfo Yes Yes
LightMapCache.Gbx CHmsLightMapCache Yes Yes
SystemConfig.Gbx CSystemConfig Yes Yes
FidCache.Gbx CMwRefBuffer Yes Yes
Scores.Gbx CGamePlayerScore Yes No
  • 1Safety reasons. Consider extracting CGameCtnGhost from CGameCtnReplayRecord, transfer it over to CGameCtnMediaBlockGhost, add it to CGameCtnMediaClip, and save it as .Clip.Gbx, which you can then import in MediaTracker.
  • 2May not have perfect support for the CPlugVisual3D objects inside and TM2020 could be generally unstable as well.

Full list of supported file types is available in the SUPPORTED GBX FILE TYPES.

Compatibility and build

  • GBX.NET is compatible down to .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.2.
  • Current C# language version is 12.

To build the solution:

  • Installing Visual Studio 2022 with default .NET tools, .NET WebAssembly Build Tools, .NET Core 3.1 Runtime, and .NET Framework 4.6.2 Targeting Pack is the easiest option.
  • JetBrains Rider also works as it should. Visual Studio Code may work with a bit more setup.
  • Make sure you have all the needed targetting packs installed (currently .NET 8.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 6.0, .NET Standard 2.1, .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET Framework 4.6.2).

(reminder: you can just use the NuGet packages in any IDE or text editor that supports them)


The Gbx format compatibility is extensible through the GBX.NET.Engines namespace.

Through the Gbx format, internal game objects (called nodes) are being serialized and deserialized through chunks. In GBX.NET, chunks are presented as node's nested classes and they are named using the pattern Chunk[chunkId] (where chunkId is formatted on 8 digits).

Nodes inherit CMwNod or other class that inherits CMwNod and each node class has a NodeAttribute with its latest ID and a protected constructor. Chunks inherit the Chunk<T>/SkippableChunk<T>/HeaderChunk<T> class based on the behaviour and each chunk class has a ChunkAttribute with its latest ID.

To keep the code clean while also performant, the library includes a source generated layer on top for effective reading and writing with minimal cold start.

  • Better performance than reflection (mainly due to minimal cold start)
  • Parse...() methods are thread safe.
  • Con: Library is larger due to generated code (not a short one).

The library also speeds up parse time by ignoring unused skippable chunks with discover feature:

  • Discover basically means "read a skippable chunk".
  • Skippable chunks are read in-depth only if methods or properties request for them.
  • Calling certain properties will discover all needed chunks synchronously before returning the value.
  • You can pre-discover certain chunks on different threads to increase your code's performance.


Coming soon!



  • 0.0.1 - 0.4.1: SharpZipLib.NETStandard
  • 0.1.0 - 0.4.1: Microsoft.CSharp
  • 0.0.1 - 0.9.0: System.Drawing.Common
  • 0.13.0+: TmEssentials
  • 0.15.0+: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
  • 1.2.4+: System.IO.Hashing


  • System.Drawing.Common


  • Newtonsoft.Json


Using the NuGet packages is recommended.

Create a new GBX.NET project (lightweight)

  1. Install .NET SDK 8.
    • Windows: winget install Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.8 (make sure you have WinGet installed)
    • Linux (just SDK)
  2. Create directory for your project (anywhere), go inside it.
  3. Create new console project: dotnet new console
  4. Add the latest GBX.NET NuGet pckage: dotnet add package GBX.NET
  5. Open Program.cs with your favorite text editor: code . -g Program.cs
  6. Write code - see Examples.
  7. Use dotnet run to run the app.

Steps 2-7:

mkdir MyGbxProject
cd MyGbxProject
dotnet new console
dotnet add package GBX.NET
code . -g Program.cs
dotnet run

Create a new GBX.NET project (Visual Studio Code)

  1. Install C# Dev Kit extension.
  2. Click on Create .NET Project button, or press Ctrl+Shift+P, type .NET: New Project.
  3. Select Console App and create your project.
  4. Open a new terminal and type dotnet add package GBX.NET to add GBX.NET.
  5. Write code - see Examples.
  6. Run and debug as usual, select C# if prompted.

Create a new GBX.NET project (Visual Studio)

  1. Create a new Console project
  2. Under your project in Solution Explorer, right-click on Dependencies and select Manage NuGet packages...
  3. Search GBX.NET and click install
  4. Write code - see Examples.


To parse a Gbx with a known type:

using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;

var map = GameBox.ParseNode<CGameCtnChallenge>("MyMap.Map.Gbx");

To parse a Gbx with an unknown type:

using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;

var node = GameBox.ParseNode("MyMap.Map.Gbx");

if (node is CGameCtnChallenge map)
    // Node data is available in map
else if (node is CGameCtnReplayRecord replay)
    // Node data is available in replay

// C# 7+

switch (node)
    case CGameCtnChallenge map:
        // Node data is available in map
    case CGameCtnReplayRecord replay:
        // Node data is available in replay

To get the Gbx metadata, use the node.GetGbx() property (only possible on the main node).

To save changes of the parsed Gbx file:

using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;

var node = GameBox.ParseNode("MyMap.Map.Gbx");

if (node is CGameCtnChallenge map)
    // Do changes with CGameCtnChallenge

else if (node is CGameCtnGhost ghost)
    // Do changes with CGameCtnGhost


To save any supported Node to a Gbx file:

using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;

var replay = GameBox.ParseNode<CGameCtnReplayRecord>("MyReplay.Replay.Gbx");

// Ghosts property can be null if you would use the ParseNodeHeader method.
if (replay.Ghosts is not null)
    foreach (CGameCtnGhost ghost in replay.Ghosts)

Compressed Gbx files require to include the GBX.NET.LZO library (or any similar implementation, but there are no other compatible at the moment). In most of the cases, the LZO compression is automatically detected after just referencing the library in the project. You don't require to have a using GBX.NET.LZO; anywhere.

On specific platforms like Blazor WebAssembly though, the dependency system works differently and (currently) GBX.NET struggles to automatically detect the LZO library.

In these cases (if just following the MissingLzoException message didn't solve the problem), add this line above the first attempt of parsing the Gbx. It should be called just once.



This convention is no longer relevant in GBX.NET 0.11.0+ when using the ParseNode method.

Make the code cleaner by aliasing the Node from the parsed GameBox:

var gbx = GameBox.Parse<CGameCtnChallenge>("MyMap.Map.Gbx");
var map = gbx.Node; // Like this

var bronzeTime = gbx.Node.BronzeTime; // WRONG !!!
var silverTime = map.SilverTime; // Correct


Since 1.2.1, GBX.NET officially supports full trimming, but you have to be careful using it. You're not forced to use trimming in case of complications.

To make sure it works:

  1. Explicitly setting LZO is required:
  1. After that, currently, you can just suppress warnings on the GameBox.Parse... and possibly other methods. Sadly, it's not possible to suppress warnings only for a specific library reference, so you have to do it this way for now. This will improve in GBX.NET 2. Please, do not suppress the warning globally.
#pragma warning disable IL2026 // add these lines
var gbx = GameBox.ParseNode<CGameCtnReplayRecord>(args[0], logger: logger);
#pragma warning restore IL2026 // add these lines
  1. In case you wanna use reflection on GBX.NET, it is strongly recommended to simply turn off trimming of this library. In case of Blazor WebAssembly specifically, it's worth noting that the release build trims automatically, so in case you're using reflection, modify your library reference:
<PackageReference Include="GBX.NET">
    <IsTrimmable>false</IsTrimmable> <!-- add this line -->


  • The sub-library GBX.NET.LZO is licensed with GNU General Public License v3.0. If you're going to use this library, please license your work under GPL-3.0-or-later.
  • GbxExplorer, and everything in the Tools and Samples folder is also licensed with GNU General Public License v3.0.
  • The libraries GBX.NET, GBX.NET.Imaging, GBX.NET.Json, GBX.NET.Localization and the project DocGenerator are licensed with MIT and you can use them much more permissively.
  • Information gathered from the project (chunk structure, parse examples, data structure, wiki information, markdown) is usable with The Unlicense.
  • Font of the logo is called Raleway licensed under SIL Open Font License. You can use the logo as a part of your media.


Your work doesn't have to fall under the GNU GPL license if you're interested in either reading the header data only, or reading certain uncompressed Gbx files (usually the internal ones inside PAK files). If you're looking to read the content of a compressed Gbx body (applies to maps, replays and other user generated content), you have to license your work with GNU GPL v3.0 or later.

Special thanks

Without these people, this project wouldn't be what it is today (ordered by impact):

  • Stefan Baumann (Solux)
  • Melissa (Miss)
  • florenzius
  • Kim
  • tilman
  • schadocalex
  • James Romeril
  • frolad (Juice)
  • Mika Kuijpers (TheMrMiku)
  • donadigo

And many thanks to every bug reporter!

Alternative Gbx parsers

  • gbx-py by schadocalex (advanced read+write Gbx parser specialized on TM2020 and custom items)
  • gbx-ts by thaumictom (read-only Gbx parser for TypeScript)
  • ManiaPlanetSharp by Solux (C# toolkit for accessing ManiaPlanet data, including read-only Gbx parser used by ManiaExchange)
  • pygbx by Donadigo (read-only Gbx parser for Python)


GBX.NET is a C#/.NET parser for Gbx files from Nadeo games. Supports deserialization of 200+ classes, where 70 %+ can be serialized back to Gbx.






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