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Axemasta edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 2 revisions

A number of additional events are available with this control:

Event Description
ProgressChanged Called when the browser loading progress changes
NavigationCancelled Called whenever navigation towards a site is cancelled by the platform webview
BrowserInvocation Called whenever a script that has been injected into the control callsback to the app
CanGoBackChanged Called when CanGoBack changes
CanGoForwardChanged Called when CanGoForward changes
UrlPropertyChanged Called when the active url changes


This event is called when the platform native control reports a progress update during a page load.

You could use this property to update a ProgressBar with the realtime loading progress of a website.

There are 2 properties to be aware of:

Property Description Value Range
PercentageComplete Progression as a percentage 0 - 100
NormalisedProgress Progression between 0 & 1 0 - 1

The NormalisedProgress should be used for controls that accept 1 as the highest value (such as ProgressBar).


This event is called when navigation to a site is cancelled.


This event is called whenever the CanGoBack property changes, this can be used to accurately update buttons that indicate whether the SuperWebView can navigate backwards.


This event is called whenever the CanGoForward property changes, this can be used to accurately update buttons that indicate whether the SuperWebView can navigate forwards.


This event is called whenever the active url changes. The active url is the main url of the site you are browsing. This property changes at the start of a page load.

If the page is local and the SuperHtmlWebViewSource has the Title property set, this value will be set to the Title property. This allows for greater control over which local pages are being displayed, as otherwise the url would be set to the bundle path of the device.

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