A scraper for downloading free Springer e-books.
- A collection of 400+ e-books from Springer
- No browser required
- No need to manually download and organize
- No re-downloads. Start and stop the downloader anytime, it will download the books from the last checkpoint
- Absolutely hassle-free, run the downloader and wait until it finishes
- Python 3 and pip
Clone the repository to your local machine using,
~$ git clone https://github.com/Ayan-Kumar-Saha/Free-Springer-E-books-Downloader.git
To install all dependencies at once, move into project directory and run,
~$ pip3 install -r dependencies.txt
~$ pip install -r dependencies.txt
Run the downloader using,
~$ python3 download_ebooks.py
~$ python download_ebooks.py
Once completed, check your current directory for the e-books
- BeautifulSoup4 - A library that makes it easy to scrape information from web pages.
- Requests - HTTP library for Python
Ayan Kumar Saha