- OpenIdConnectConfiguration supports TokenIntrospectionEndpoint information with first class properties (#1411).
- TokenValidationParameters has user controlled validation of Algorithms and TokenType (#1413, #1385).
- AlgorithmValidator - delegate allows users to check algorithm at runtime.
- ValidAlgorithms - a list of algorithms that are allowed, if set will be honored.
- TypeValidator - delegate allows users to check token type at runtime.
- ValidTypes - a list of token types that are allowed, if set will be honored.
- Saml tokens will use SecurityTokenDescriptor.Claims when creating tokens (#1417).
- User can control if all possible keys should be tried to validate token (#1399.
Bug Fixes
- All supported asymmetric algorithms are checked for key size (delegates are now called before checking if validation should occur) (#1236).
- Null reference possible in logging (#1406)
- JwtSecuritytokenHandler does not set token on failure (#1290)
- Exceptions serialize data (#1300)
Click here for a full list of issues that were fixed in this release.