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LearnIt: On-Demand Rapid Customization for Event-Event Relation Extraction


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LearnIt is a Machine Reading customization tool develop by BBN with support from DARPA World Modelers and Causal Exploration programs.

LearnIt is a tool for customizing Machine Readers (a.k.a., Information Extraction algorithms) with human in the loop. It enables users to build event and event-event relation extractors with a small amount of efforts.

Once the extractors are built, they can be applied to any corpora to extract events and event-event relations. This version includes a HTML visualizer to visualize these extractions. The extractors can also be plugged into BBN's Hume Machine Reading system.


Running LearnIt

LearnIt is a maven based Java8 project. You'll need to install maven and openjdk8 to get started. You'll also need extra jars by emailing us.

First, build LearnIt by

cp -r [LEARNIT_EXP_ROOT] data
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/common-core-open-8.0.0.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.bue -DartifactId=common-core-open -Dversion=8.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/nlp-core-open-8.0.0.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.nlp -DartifactId=nlp-core-open -Dversion=8.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/serif-8.10.3-SNAPSHOT-pg.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.serif -DartifactId=serif -Dversion=8.10.3-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/common-core-4.1.0-pg.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.bue -DartifactId=common-core -Dversion=4.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/nlp-core-4.1.0-pg.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.nlp -DartifactId=nlp-core -Dversion=4.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=data/libs/learn-core-6.7.0-pg.jar -DgroupId=com.bbn.bue -DartifactId=learn-core -Dversion=6.7.0 -Dpackaging=jar

mvn clean install -am

Second, make a system parameter file:

cp params/learnit/user.params.example params/learnit/user.params

And then edit params/learnit/user.params by changing learnit_root to your LearnIt directory.

Build LearnIt Mappings

A LearnIt Mappings is a collection of bidirectional maps, in which instances (event or event-event relation candidates) and their features (lingustic observations such as context and part-of-speech tags) are stored for efficient access.

To get started with a new corpus, you'll need to build a LearnIt mappings for this corpus. The input corpus currently is in SERIF XML format (You can request a World Modelers M12 corpus by emailing us.

Then make a param file on each corpus.We also prepare the parameter file sets for M12 corpus. Please change file params/learnit/domains/wm_m12_demo.param, line learnit_data_dir to %learnit_root%/data/corpus/wm_m12_demo.

Create a Mappings by:

find $PWD/data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/serifxml/*.xml > data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/source_lists/00000.list
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx18G" ./neolearnit/target/appassembler/bin/InstanceExtractor params/learnit/runs/wm_m12_demo.params all data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/source_lists/00000.list data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/source_mappings/00000.sjson

A Mappings file 00000.sjson will be generated.

Build extractors

InstanceExtractor is in charge of auto populate all Seeds and LearnitPattern from the corpus. They're in neutral status. User have to add them into specific types. (For event, types are Trend, Percipitation, Famine etc.. For event-event relation, types are Cause-Effect etc..). So let's bring up an UI. Please execute:

./neolearnit/target/appassembler/bin/OnDemandReMain params/learnit/runs/wm_m12_demo.params data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/source_mappings/00000.sjson 5022

And then open your browser

You can add a new event type or an new event-event relation type by clicking + on the upper panel. You only need to fill in name in the pop-up window.

In the working panes, you can label good Seeds or LearnitPattern for each types. For events, Seeds means potential words that may indicate there's an event. LearnitPattern is a linguistic pattern that indicates the existence of an event. For event-event relations, Seeds means a pair of word that indicates there's a relation. For example, (attack,death) is an example for the target relation Cause-Effect. Similar to events, LearnitPatterns is a linguistic pattern, e.g. {0} caused {1}, that indicates there is a relation.

For a target type, you can select a positive Seed or LearnitPattern by clicking on +, and select a negative Seed or LearnItPattern by clicking on -. Also, there's a Propose button which is used for helping you find more Seeds or LearnitPattern candidates from mappings automatically. After you click Purpose under LearnitPattern, LearnIt will use the Seeds that marked as positive, to purpose to you additionally LearnitPatterns that appears in sentences matched by the Seeds.

Your extractors will be saved at inputs/extractors/YOUR_TARGET_NAME/*.json. Each name contains a timestamp so you could find the newest one.

Please click Save Progress at up right corner before you shut down the backend server.

Apply extractors

Visualize extractions decoded with your extractors from a corpus

Once you finish building event and event-event-relation extractors, you can apply them on any corpus. Suppose we want to see results on the original corpus, you can do

./neolearnit/target/appassembler/bin/TargetAndScoreTableGoodSeedAndPatternLabeler params/learnit/runs/wm_m12_demo.params data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/source_mappings/00000.sjson data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/labeled_00000.sjson
./neolearnit/target/appassembler/bin/BinaryEventRelationHTMLDecoder params/learnit/runs/wm_m12_demo.params data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/labeled_00000.sjson data/corpus/wm_m12_demo/labeled_00000.html

Then, open labeled_00000.html to see results. Only sentences that been captured by an event-event relation extractor will appear here.

Apply LearnIt to extract event-event relations

Currently, we support outputting a JSON file when applying an event-event relation extractor to a corpus.

First, you'll need to make a corpus_2.params and generate a mappings file corpus_2.sjson, by following instructions in Build LearnIt Mappings

You also need a folder contains a set of event-event relation extractors. For example, we included event_event_relation_extractors.

./neolearnit/target/appassembler/bin/EventEventRelationPatternDecoder corpus_2.params corpus_2.sjson causal_json_output.json all 0 na na data/event_event_relation_extractors

The causal realtions extracted will appear in causal_json_output.json.


This work was supported by DARPA/I2O and U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Contract No. FA8650-17-C-7716 under the Causal Exploration program, and DARPA/I2O and U.S. Army Research Office Contract No. W911NF-18-C-0003 under the World Modelers program. The views, opinions, and/or findings expressed are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. This document does not contain technology or technical data controlled under either the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.


LearnIt: On-Demand Rapid Customization for Event-Event Relation Extraction







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