An easy to find, student restricted, repository of NYU syllabi across CAS and Tandon classes that provides the ability to access as well as upload syllabi.
This uses the Next.js framework with server actions. For local development, set the DEV_MODE flag to be 'True' - this will use mock syllabi instead of fetching from the database (feel free to read the hosting section to understand the deployed architecture better).
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
While the bulk of the website code is in the repository, there are a number of other pieces that keep running: Supabase for the database, Cloudflare R2 for the object store, Vercel for hosting, and Cloudflare Zero Trust to verify your NYU student status. A Cloudflare Worker is also used to prevent the Supabase DB from pausing itself.