is an openAI gym enviroment for testing and evaluating reinforcment learning algorithms in a popular classic snake game such as The enviroment has a reasonably large field with multiple snakes. snakes grow when eating randomly-appearing fruit a snake dies when colliding with another snake, itself, or the wall and the game ends when all snakes die.
Supported systems We currently support Linux and OSX running Python 2.7 or 3.5. Install Universe
To get started, first install
git clone
pip install -e gym-slitherio
Now install the latest version of docker and then:
docker build -t slitherio .
docker run --name=slither -v $(pwd):/home/apps -p 5005:5005 -p 5900:5900 -it --rm --user apps --privileged slitherio bash -l
In the docker container's bash run the following commands:
export DISPLAY=:0
vncserver :0
cd /home/apps
You will be asked to setup a password for your vnc enviroment. By default the password secure
is hardcoded. You can change it whenever you want.
Now your vncserver is ready and you can use any vncclient software with the given password to view the following screen.