Welcome to the BakingUp Frontend Repository!
Programming Languages:
- Dart
Development Tools:
- Mobile Application: Flutter
- 3rd Party APIs: Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Messaging
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions
For viewers on GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/BakingUp/BakingUp-Frontend.git
For viewers in CS GitLab:
git clone https://csgit.sit.kmutt.ac.th/csc498-499-bakingup/bakingup-frontend.git
Run the following command to install all required packages:
flutter pub get
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following environment variables:
Note: Replace
, with your actual IP address, or uselocalhost
for iOS, or10.0.2.2
for Android.
- Select an iOS or android device to start the simulator.
- Run the application by choosing either
Start Debugging
orRun Without Debugging
from your IDE.