Repository for Open Source EMF implementation proof of concept
Incoming IGM-s need to be validated by EMF tool:
- To ensure that the IGM-s can be imported to the tool
- It is possible to solve the LoadFlow
- To provide feedback for TSO-s on QAS portal
- To check and store the AC NP and HVDC flows data
IGM validation process should run continuously:
- To give TSO-s continuous and timely feedback on their IGM, witch enables them to update or fix IGM before the merging process starts
- To achieve better performance during the merging process, as all IGM-s would be already validated by that time
If IGM is deemed unusable:
- TSO can either send a new IGM before the gate closure or
- RCC can use replacement logic to use an older IGM from different timestamp or process
IGM replacement logic is defined in EMF requirements document.
TODO - That logic should be put to a configuration file.
Purpose is to create one electrical grid model from all available models for a given Scenario Time
- Retrieve all valid IGM-s (including replaced IGM-s) for given merge type and scenario time
- Retrieve the latest valid BDS (Boundary Set)
- Retrieve all reference schedules values for given scenario time
- Import all files to Load Flow tool
- Switch off or set to 0 matched cim:EquivalentInjection-s on matched borders
- Proceed to Scaling
Scale the Loads to match each Area AC NP to the reference program (the current state is recorded during IGM Validation)
Set the HVDC flows to match reference program
Run fist LoadFlow
Continue Scaling Loads until desired mismatch achieved
TODO: copy from EMF dock the exact process
TODO: describe when to use relaxed PF settings
- EMF Requirements
- EMF Assessment
- Quality of Datasets
TODO: add links
- Must be able to import CIM XML files (EQ, SSH, TP, SV)
- Able to use CIM LoadFlow settings
- Export CIM Merged model (N x SSH, SV)
- Store and Edit Process configurations
- Store and Edit Time Frame configurations
- TODO: add description tables
Timeframe Configuration Example
Timeframe Configuration Schema
- Store Process configurations
- Responsible for triggering automatic tasks
- Check if there are any tasks to be run based on valid Process Configurations
- Check if there are any event that should trigger a task to be run
- Enable manual creation of Tasks
- Publish Tasks to Service Bus
- TODO: Add LF settings
- TODO: Add Reference Schedule
- TODO: Should replacement logic be linked here as well?
- TODO: Add description of the format and schema
- TODO: Add Validation task example
- Manage and monitor the task trough out the task life cycle
This system consists of two separate but integrates systems
- Metadata Storage:
- Store all extracted metadata about Models
- Store reference to original data stored in Object Storage
- Store reference schedules as searchable documents per each timestamp in timeseries TODO - Add example
- ELK stack is planned to be used
- Object Storage:
- Store all original data (Reference Schedules and Models)
- MinIO is planned to be used (any S3 compatible storage is suitable)
Asynchronous message exchange platform that allows publish and subscribe functionality
- Tasks are published
- Each worker will create a que and subscribe to tasks
- All data received via EDX and OPDM is published
- Object Storage and Metadata Storage will subscribe and store the data
- All generated data will be published
- Routed to EDX or OPDM
- Stored by Object Storage and Metadata Storage
Integration between message bus and EDX. This integration is needed to
- Receive Reference Schedules
- Receive IGM-s and Boundary Set published by OPDM Service Provider
- Publish IGM Validation Reports
- Publish CGM Validation Reports
Integration between message bus and OPDM. This integration is needed to:
- Subscribe for IGM-s and Boundary Set
- Publish CGM-s
- Language: Python 3.11
- LoadFlow Engine: PyPowSyBl
- Object Storage: MinIO
- Metadata Storage: ELK
- Logging: ELK
- Service Bus: RabbitMQ
- Process Configurator: GIT
- Process Scheduler: Jenkins and custom scripts
- Task Manager: ELK and custom scripts