- 1. Table of content
- 2. What is this Tool?
- 3. Setup & Requirements
- 4. How to use it?
- 5. Support / Feedback
- 6. How to contribute?
- 7. Sponsor me!
This Tool is usefull to install Programs & Software on your Debian based Server, Desktop, Mini-PC...
After you´ve choosen a Program the Tool will install and setup everything for you.
There are two versions, one for ARM based Systems like a Raspberry Pi and one for X86 Systems like a Server, Desktop...
- openHABian
- Docker + Docker-Compose
- openHAB-Docker
- Frontail
- Mosquitto Broker
- Zigbee2MQTT
- Homebridge
- Grafana
- influxDB
- Portainer
- Filestash (linux) / Filebrowser (arm)
- Heimdall
- HomeAssistant
- RaspberryMatic
- CodeServer
- Prometheus
- node-exporter
- Whats up Docker
- WatchYourLAN
- Backup (linux & arm)
- shut-wake Script (linux)
- sudo should be installed
- $USER needs to be a Member of Group sudo
- ad %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL with visudo
- Docker + Docker-Compose is required for all Container based Programs
For X86 Systems:
- cd $HOME
- sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BangerTech/The-BangerTECH-Utility/main/bangertech_utility_x86.sh
- sudo chmod +x bangertech_utility_x86.sh
- sh bangertech_utility_x86.sh
- pick a Program and follow the Steps presented by the Tool
For ARM Systems:
- cd $HOME
- sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BangerTech/The-BangerTECH-Utility/main/bangertech_utility_arm.sh
- sudo chmod +x bangertech_utility_arm.sh
- sh bangertech_utility_arm.sh
- pick a Program and follow the Steps presented by the Tool
For Windows Systems:
- install wsl --install -d Debian
- Download Docker Desktop and install. https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/
- open PowerShell and login as User
- proceed with 3. Setup & Requirements
- cd $HOME
- sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BangerTech/The-BangerTECH-Utility/main/bangertech_utility_windows.sh
- sudo chmod +x bangertech_utility_windows.sh
- sh bangertech_utility_windows.sh
- pick a Program and follow the Steps presented by the Tool
check out the development Branch for the latest Changes: https://github.com/BangerTech/The-BangerTECH-Utility/tree/development
written Article how to use it: https://bangertech.de/the-bangertech-utility-smarthome-server-schnell-einfach-installiert/
Any bugs? Feature request? Message me here or click on the "Issues" tab here on the GitHub repository!
Fork the repository and create PR's.