: Contains data for competetion and some other data from OMLhgs_vrptw
: base C++ code for HGSinstances
: VRPTW instances provided by ORTECnotebooks
: Experiments mainlyrelease
: compiled C++ code with python bindingsstrategies
: dynamic and static strategies by OML
: Runs the flask
: Controller for static and dynamic varients. NOT
: Env for solving dynamic problems. Also used in static varient in limited
: python binding for HGS C++
: Test
: Everything related to mapping adrresses and
: File containing all the classes of solvers
: Main
: Various utils
There is an endpoint for each model that we are using.
: For OML solutionhgs
: For vanilla HGS solution
Input to any endpoint is a json file with following fields
instance_name: "name_of_the_instance",
instance_seed: "seed_for_the_instance",
solver_seed: "seed_for_the_solver",
epoch_tlim: "time_limit_for_each_epoch",
config_loc: "configs/solver.toml",
profile: True,
static: "boolean_value_wheater_we_want_to_solve_static_or_dynamic",
hindsight: False
locationID1: 1
locationID2: 2
distance: "distance_travelled_by_the_rider"
Our static solver is based on the hybrid genetic search baseline we received as part of the quickstart code here. We have refactored this solver significantly, making it much more modular and more performant. We also:
- Introduced a generalised
$(N, M)$ -Exchange operator - Added statistics collection
- Separated local search and intensification
- Improved parent selection for crossover by focussing on the diversity of both parents
- Simplified solution state
- Removed many ineffective parameters and constructive heuristics
- And more!
Our dynamic strategy (simulate
) simulates requests from future epochs.
In each epoch, we simulate multiple scenarios and quickly solve the resulting simulation instances using the static solver (in a few hundred milliseconds).
We use the simulation solutions to determine which requests to postpone, and which to dispatch.
In particular, we postpone a request if it was infrequently paired with must-dispatch requests, otherwise we dispatch it.
We then solve the resulting dispatch instance, again using the static solver.
We also:
- Apply the simulation strategy in a recursive fashion
- Use epoch-specific thresholds to determine which requests to postpone
- Postpone routes from dispatch solutions if they do not contain any must-dispatch requests
- And more!
Finally, we tuned the static and dynamic parameters in several large-scale numerical experiments.
First, one needs to install the required poetry dependencies:
poetry install
Make local folders for solutions
and logs
mkdir solutions logs
I have already compliled the static and dynamic solver.
If we make some changes in C++, then one needs to compile the static solver.
Assuming the pybind submodule has been initialised, and cmake
is available, the following should work:
cmake -Brelease -Shgs_vrptw -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make --directory=release
Then, the solver (both static and dynamic) can be called using the
python3 --epoch_tlim 5 --static --instance instances/toy_vrp.txt --profile
This doesn't work currently. It is easiest to run this via the
script, as (e.g.):
python --instance instances/ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-0bdff870-d1-n458-k35.txt --epoch_tlim 5 -- python
This runs the solver on the given dynamic instance, with a 5s time limit per epoch.
Solving the static instance is achieved by also passing in the --static
Additional command line options are available, and can be found in the respective scripts.
We also offer several standalone scripts running multiple instances in parallel, which is useful for benchmarking. These scripts are:
, which runs the static solver on all instances, collects statistics, and outputs lots of useful data to a given
, which benchmarks the static solver over all
, which benchmarks the dynamic solver over all instances.
Finally, for tuning, we used the
These produce configuration files that can be passed into any of the other scripts mentioned above.
To run the tuning scripts, the optional tune
dependency group should be installed, using:
poetry install --only tune
- Run a flask app
- Return the jsonified results
- Feed parsed data from csv to DB
- HGS-Swap*
- OptiML static pipeline
- OptiML dynamic pipeline
- Kleopetra