This program integrates the BSEC Library from Bosch Sensortech to an STM32L010RBT6 board connected to a single BME688 sensor module. The sensor module comes from Waveshare Electronics. The readings of the sensor are printed to the USART2 port at the 115200 baud rate/8 data bits/no parity bit/1 stop bit configuration.
该程序将博世传感技术的BSEC库集成到与单个BME688传感器模块连接的STM32L010RBT6开发板上。传感器模块来自微雪电子。传感器的读数输出到USART2串口,串口配置为115200 波特率/8 数据位/无校验位/1 停止位
(pictures to be added...)