Technical comparison of computational HLA prediction tools from NGS data.
- data
- comparison - contains the scripts to run and evaluate tools
- goldstandard - contains the curated information of use genotypes per sample
Runs are triggered with submitAll WGS, submitAll WES submitAll RNAseq, respectively, extracting bam-files for the HLA region in each sample and submitting the wrapper script for the 5 tools. These scripts are named Run_.sbatch and can be found in the bin-folder.
Results are then collected over all samples for each tool and evaluated to obtain the final success and accuracy values.
The log file output for ClassI+II prediction of the evaluation script (as triggered by can be found in the RepositoryLogFiles-folder.
File structure is results1000<Dataset>
.evalCII.txt, e.g. results1000EExtrChr6.hlamineralnTop.evalCII.txt
- E - Whole Exome Seq
- G - Whole Genome Seq
- R - RNA seq
- hlamineraln - HLAminer alignment
- hlaminersbly - HLAminer assembly
- hlavbseq
- optiytype
- phlat
- seq2hla
- Top - single results for hlaminer
- Top2 - single results for hlavbseq (per Chromosome)
- Top3 - top 3 results for hlaminer
- Top5 - top 5 results for hlavbseq
File content looks like so:
W2 NA19676.A.1 gold: 01:01:01:01/01:01:01:02/01:04/01:22/01:32/01:34/01:37 hlaminer: 31:01
W4 NA19676.A.1 gold: 01:01:01:01/01:01:01:02/01:04/01:22/01:32/01:34/01:37 hlaminer: 31:01
R4 NA19676.DRB1.2 gold: 12:01:01/12:06/12:10/12:17 hlaminer: 12:01
SUM NA19676 rightLow 6 wrongLow 6 success = 0.50 accuracy = 0.50 | rightHigh 3 wrongHigh 9 success = 0.25 accracy = 0.25 | na 0 total 12
Class I+II rightLow 6690 wrongLow 4953 success = 0.57 accuracy = 0.56 | rightHigh 3128 wrongHigh 8515 success = 0.27 accuracy = 0.26 | na 226 total 11869 NA 0.02 | samples 992 predictions 992 failed 0
For each individual the file contains for each HLA loci one row with
- evaluation R(ight)2(-digit)R4,W(rong)2,W4
- sample name and HLA loci
- gold standard entry for this loci (can be blank)
- tool name
- prediction from tool (can be blank)
Followed by a SUM
line summarizing performance of this tool for this individual with
- number of right 2-digits
- number of wrong 2-digits
- success 2-digits
- accuracy 2-digits
- number of right 4-digits
- number of wrong 4-digits
- success 4-digits
- accuracy 4-digits
- number of NA from tool
- total number of known alleles
- percentage
The file is concluded with a final summary Class I+II
- number of right 2-digits
- number of wrong 2-digits
- success 2-digits
- accuracy 2-digits
- number of right 4-digits
- number of wrong 4-digits
- success 4-digits
- accuracy 4-digits
- number of NA from tool
- total number of known alleles
- percentage
- number of samples
- number of predictions
- number of failed runs
Scripts for the other analyses performed for the paper (e.g. coverage stats, or correlations) can be found in bin
Bauer DC, Zadoorian A, Wilson LOW, Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, and Thorne NP, “Evaluation of computational programs to predict HLA genotypes from genomic sequencing data” in peparation