This repository combines all the code written for or used in the EMPIR project 17IND12 Metrology for the Factory of the Future to enable pulling/cloning all the code and all coding related documents at once.
You find the project partner's code in the according subfolders of the repository which on GitHub directly link to the upstream repositories and after cloning locally contain the upstreams' content.
The following commands assume you already have Git installed. In case you do not have Git installed go to and follow the instructions for your operating system. After successful installation open Git Bash in Windows or the command line and run the given commands.
To clone the repository locally, you go to any folder on your machine (i.e. ~/your/local/folder/
) and execute
$ git clone --recurse-submodules Met4FoF_Code
where Met4FoF_Code
in the command stands for the folder you want the repository to go into. This folder does not need to exist before you execute the command. It will be created as a subfolder and your local repository will be created inside of that subfolder. If you do not specify a folder, the repository will be cloned to the subfolder Code
, which is the repository's name.
Whenever you want to get the latest changes, navigate into your local repository folder (i.e. ~/your/local/folder/Met4FoF_Code
) and execute the two commands
$ git pull origin master
to get the latest version of this explanatory file and the coding conventions and/or
$ git submodule update --remote --recursive
to update all included repositories to the latest official project related version.
If you have not locally changed any of the files in the folders you will simply update all your local copies and get the latest version of all files on
Working on existing submodules' code is just the same as on a base repository. You switch to the submodule's folder inside your repository
$ cd ~/your/local/folder/Met4FoF_Code/submodule_folder
and start editing, committing and pushing in the submodule as if you were in a separate Git repository. Of course pushing to a remote repository on GitHub requires first to setup the remote host in your local copy and the according access rights for the submodule's remote repository. More on this topic you can find in the Pro Git book.
All planned developments of the project's code and this repository you can find in the repository's project board and the submodules' project boards and their GitHub issues.
Additional information around code writing and software development in the project you can find in the repository's wiki, in the coding conventions and in our related Blog post on the project homepage.
All publishable research data sets produced for or used in the project you can find in the related zenodo community.