Remote Control app for the PC game
- App sends out a broadcast in its local wifi on port 4444. It sends the string "beamng" + device-name.
- It then listens on the same Port for the string "beamng" as an answer to start the communication.
- Main communication takes place on port 4445
- App sends the floats:
- Steering-angle between 0 (right) and 1 (left)
- Throttle 1 for pushed otherwise 0
- Breaks 1 for pushed otherwise 0
- App needs following structure for incoming packages:
type | name | description | bytes |
unsigned | time | time in milliseconds (to check order) | 0-3 |
char | car[4] | Car name | 4-7 |
unsigned short | flags | Info (see OG_x below) | 8-9 |
char | gear | Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2... | 10 |
char | plid | Unique ID of viewed player (0 = none) | 11 |
float | speed | m/s | 12-15 |
float | rpm | RPM | 16-19 |
float | turbo | BAR | 20-23 |
float | engTemp | C | 24-27 |
float | fuel | 0 to 1 | 28-31 |
float | oilPressure | BAR | 32-35 |
float | oilTemp | C | 36-39 |
unsigned | dashLights | not used | 40-43 |
unsigned | showLights | Dash lights currently switched on | 44-47 |
float | throttle | 0 to 1 | 48-51 |
float | brake | 0 to 1 | 52-55 |
float | clutch | 0 to 1 | 56-59 |
char | display1[16] | Usually Fuel | 60-75 |
char | display2[16] | Usually Settings | 76-80 |
int | id | optional - only if OutGauge ID is specified | 81-84 |
unsigned | odometer | distance driven in meters or miles (0-999999) | 85-88 |
// OG _x - bits for Flags
OG_KM 16384 // if not set - user prefers MILES
// DL _x - bits for ShowLights
DLSHIFT, // bit 0 - shift light
DLFULLBEAM, // bit 1 - full beam
DLHANDBRAKE, // bit 2 - handbrake
DLPITSPEED, // bit 3 - pit speed limiter //not used
DLTC, // bit 4 - TC active or switched off //not used
DLSIGNALL, // bit 5 - left turn signal
DLSIGNALR, // bit 6 - right turn signal
DLSIGNALANY, // bit 7 - shared turn signal
DLOILWARN, // bit 8 - oil pressure warning //not used
DLBATTERY, // bit 9 - battery warning //not used
DLABS, // bit 10 - ABS active or switched off
DLSPARE, // bit 11 //not used