- Ansible
What does buildHabitat do? Adds the following modifications to your shell:
Installs and configures a whole bunch of cool sh*t: 1a. zsh (a more customizable shell): - oh-my-zsh (a framework that allows for zsh customization) - Powerlevel10k (the only zsh theme that matters) - zsh-autosuggestions (like iPhone predicitve text but for your shell) - zsh syntax-highlighting (You know... syntax highlighting) - zsh-z (allows you to jump to frequently visited directories using z )
1b. vim (Needs no introduction)
1c. tmux (Lets you open multiple terminal windows in a single window) - tpm (lets you install tmux plugins)
1d. nala (waaaay cooler than apt)
1e. tldr (like a man page but not confusing)
1f. trash-cli (let's you recover deleted files)
1g. progress (gives you a progress bar for things that usually don't show one)
Changes the default shell to zsh
Copies and sources various config files with all the bells and whistles: 3a. .zshrc (some custom aliases, autostart tmux, makes it so rm uses trash-cli to let you recover deleted files)
3b. .p10k.zsh (has cool ASCII art as the terminal header)
3c. .vimrc (Has some optimizations for yml and python)
3d. .tmux.conf (prefix-h for new horizontal terminal window, prefix-v for new vertical terminal window, and some other stuff)
- Make sure you have Ansible installed on your machine, and run the following commands:
- git clone https://github.com/BeatGrate/buildHabitat.git
- cd buildHabitat
- ansible-playbook -K buildHabitat.yml
- Enter your password and enjoy!