This application was created as part of the interview process for a Software job.
This application provides REST endpoints for finding objects in images using the Imagga apis.
First compile the jar file using maven ./mvnw install
Next, build the docker image. docker build -t behnke19/imagetagging .
Create a file called .env in the project directory that has two entries with your Imagga credentials.
Finally, start the app with docker compose. This will start a mysql container along with the image tagging app.
docker-compose up -d
Returns a list of all the images in the database. And optional query param ?objects=cat,hat
can be used to fetch only
images that contain the provided objects.
Returns a specific image specified by its ID.
Submit an image to the service and optionally run object detection on it.
The payload should be a multipart form with the following fields.
label - A text label for the image. (Optional)
detectObjects - A boolean value. If true then object detection will be processed for the given image. (Optional)
url - A url that points to an image. (Either an url or file must be provided)
file - An image file to be processed. (Either an url or file must be provided)
This endpoint returns the image with a list of detected objects if object detection was run.