This is a set of pure-python bindings to the ROS interface of MoveIt! based on the earlier moveit_utils package that was developed as part of the chess_player package.
There are three interfaces currently:
- MoveGroupInterface -- used to move the arm using the move_group action.
- PlanningSceneInterface -- used to add/remove collision and attached objects. Can also set the colors of objects.
- PickPlaceInterface -- used to interface to the pick and place actions.
The MoveGroupInterface is quite easy to use:
import rospy
from moveit_python import *
g = MoveGroupInterface("planning_group_name", "base_link")
Obviously, you might need different values for base_link, and your planning group is probably not called "planning_group_name".
The PlanningSceneInterface allows you to easily insert and remove objects from the MoveIt! planning scene. Unlike the moveit_commander, this module tracks when objects are added removed, and will re-attempt add/remove if a message is loss.
import rospy
from moveit_python import *
# create a planning scene interface, provide name of root link
p = PlanningSceneInterface("base_link")
# add a cube of 0.1m size, at [1, 0, 0.5] in the base_link frame
p.addCube("my_cube", 0.1, 1, 0, 0.5)
# do something
# remove the cube
Each time an object is added or removed, the planning scene interface will wait until it recieves confirmation that the request has been processed by MoveIt! If sending a large number of objects, it would be more efficient to only wait for synchronization at the end, this can be achieved by doing like so:
p.addCube("my_cube", 0.1, 1, 0, 0.5, wait=False)
p.addCube("my_other_cube", 0.1, 2, 0, 0.5, wait=False)
import rospy
from moveit_python import *
from moveit_msgs.msg import Grasp, PlaceLocation
# provide arm group and gripper group names
# also takes a third parameter "plan_only" which defaults to False
p = PickPlaceInterface("arm", "gripper")
g = Grasp()
# fill in g
# setup object named object_name using PlanningSceneInterface
p.pickup("object_name", [g, ], support_name = "supporting_surface")
l = PlaceLocation()
# fill in l"object_name" [l, ], goal_is_eef = True, support_name = "supporting_surface")
- GraspingInterface renamed to PickPlaceInterface
- The pick/place functions now return the entire action result, in moveit_utils they returned only the error_code. To access the error code as it used to be returned, you would use result.error_code.val
- ObjectManager renamed to PlanningSceneInterface
- remove function is now removeCollisionObject and removeAttachedObject
- ArmInterface renamed to MoveGroupInterface