Are you looking for a way to parameterize your pathway models with kinetic data? This project allows you to do so, using an Excel-based template (located here). As a start, our data model is compatible with pathways hosted in WikiPathways [ref] build using PathVisio [ref].
- Use the WikiPathways Academy to learn how to build a pathway model representing a set of metabolic interactions
- Add UniProt (SwissProt/gold star) [ref] annotations for the enzymes catalyzing the reactions.
- Include Rhea [ref] identifiers (IDs) for the interactions between a substrate and target metabolite.
- Use the ChEBI IDs listed in Rhea to annotate the substrate and product of each reaction.
- Download the template kinetic data file.
- Add kinetic data for each separate substrate-enzyme-reaction in your model.
- The model support these sources for provenance (request another resource through the issue tracker):
- Brenda (Chang et al., 2021),
- Strenda (Swainston et al. 2018),
- Sabio-RK (Wittig et al., 2018),
- IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY (Harding et al., 2022),
- UniProt (The UniProt Consortium, 2021),
- PubMed (White, 2020).
- tba
Conversion of kinetic data to an RDF model, compatible with WikiPathways PathWayModels.
Setup this project in Rstudio:
### Install Python on your local machine to run this script:
### See
## Update PIP (package manager for Python packages/modules):
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
## Add virtual environment package:
sudo pip install virtualenv
## Move to correct project directory (in this case, the GitHub folder calles KinRDF)
cd /home/../KinRDF
## Create a new virtual environment in a folder called my_env:
sudo virtualenv my_env
## Activate the virtual environment:
source my_env/bin/activate
## Check if python is activated:
which python
## Check version of Python
python3 --version
##Install library to read xlsx files:
pip install openpyxl
Run the RDF locally (with Virtuoso Docker, on Linux): Documentation curtosy of Marvin Martens []
Open the terminal and create a local folder to map to the docker container. Note the path to the folder to enter it at step 3. In this example, the folder '/kinRdf' was created and entered it by using:
mkdir -p kinRdf
cp Output/RDF_Kin_Data_2022-Dec.ttl kinRdf/KINRDF.ttl
Be sure to use ports 8890:8890 and 1111:1111. In this case, the container was named "KinRDF". Also, this step configures the mapped local folder with the data, which is in this example "/kinRdf". The Docker image used is openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7. Run the Docker image by entering:
sudo docker run -d --env DBA_PASSWORD=dba -p 8890:8890 -p 1111:1111 --name KinRDF --volume `pwd`/kinRdf/:/database/data/ openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7
The SPARQL endpoint should already be accessible through localhost:8890/sparql/. However, while the Docker image is running, the data is not yet loaded. Therefore you need to enter the it by using:
sudo docker exec -it KinRDF bash
First, enter the "/data" folder and move the Turtle file(s) to the folder upstream by using:
mv data/KINRDF.ttl .
Enter the running docker container SQL by using:
sudo docker exec -i KinRDF isql 1111
In case the service is already active and contains older RDF, be sure to perform a global reset and delete the old RDF files from the load_list, using the following commands:
DELETE FROM load_list WHERE ll_graph = '';
The presence of files in the load_list can be viewed using the following command:
select * from DB.DBA.load_list;
Use the following commands to complete the loading of prefixes in the SPARQL endpoint. If errors occur, try again within a few seconds (which often works), or look at to find out what they mean. Add more pre-defined PREFIXES if needed:
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('dc', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('rdfs', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('wp', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('rh', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('dcterms', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('xsd', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('S_id', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('ECcode', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('En_id', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('wd', '',2);
DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('wdt', '',2);
grant select on "DB.DBA.SPARQL_SINV_2" to "SPARQL";
grant execute on "DB.DBA.SPARQL_SINV_IMP" to "SPARQL";
Load the data:
ld_dir('.', 'KINRDF.ttl', '');
To finalize the loading of data, use:
Check the status and look if the all.ttl file is loaded by entering:
select * from DB.DBA.load_list;
If the "il_state" = 2, the loading is complete. If issues occurred in this step, have a look at Quit the SQL by entering:
The container is running with loaded RDF, available through http://localhost:8890, or enter the SPARQL endpoint directly through http://localhost:8890/sparql/. You can check if the data is loaded correctly, by executing the following SPARQL querie:
select distinct ?Concept where {[] dc:identifier ?Concept} LIMIT 100
sudo docker stop KinRDF
sudo docker rm KinRDF