A backend emulator for the game Gigantic by Motiga.
Avalonia based launcher application for connecting to the emulated backend.
Provides a WebInterface and a REST api for hosting private Servers.
Provides a Rest API for user account creation/login. As well as some methods required for authenticating the game clients.
Implements the TCP based MICE protocol used by the client to talk to the backend.
- Download the Misfroge Launcher from the latest release into your Gigantic folder.
- Start the MistforgeLauncher.exe
- MSVC 2019 (e.g. Visual Studio 2019 with C++ Build Tools)
- CMake
- .NET SDK 7.0
- Powershell 7.x
The resulting files will be in dist/
Install the latest vc_redist: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe