#Quick Circle Themer
Quick Circle Themer is a Xposed Module which allows you to easily change the watchfaces of the LG G3 Quick Circle Case
##Download Download the apk file here You can find some themes here or here
##Theme creation See Getting the original resources to get an Idea about the files to modify. Once you've got your modified files, you need to package them for the app.
- You need a clock.xml, here's an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Title of the clock-->
<title>Awesome clock</title>
<!--some identifier. Use something unique-->
<!--Name of the Author-->
<!--Description of the clock-->
<description>Some description</description>
<!--[Optional] Will automatically switch to clock when it's activated.-->
<!--Value is the index of the clock-->
<!--Device for which the clock is. "G2" or "G3"-->
<!--If not present will default to G3-->
<!--List all files, you want to replace-->
- You should optionally provide a preview.png which will be shown in the watchface chooser
- Now zip up all your files, in the example you would zip the following files:
###Getting the original resources Make sure your phone is rooted and your adb is working
####LG G3
- Get your LGAlarmClock.apk from your phone:
adb pull /system/priv-app/LGAlarmClock.apk LGAlarmClock.apk
- Extract LGAlarmClock.apk
- The original resource are in
####LG G2
- Get your LGClockWidget.apk from your phone:
adb pull /system/priv-app/LGClockWidget.apk LGClockWidget.apk
- Extract LGClockWidget.apk
- The original resource are in
- Excilys team for Android annotations
- Jake Wharton for viewpagerindicator.
- rovo89, Tungstwenty for Xposed Framework
- Yoavst for rolexquickcircle
- Kevin Slaton for the example watchface