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Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' #1

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' #1

Workflow file for this run

# CMake based build for Audacity
name: CMake Build
# Only execute on "git push" actions
# Remove the "#" from the next 2 lines if you need to disable this action
# - disable
# Remove the "#" from the next 2 lines if you need to disable this action
# - disable
# Global environment variables
WXREF: audacity-fixes-3.1.3
WXWIN: ${{ github.workspace }}/wxwin
# As of 2021/01/01, github is using Xcode 12.2 as the default and
# it has a bug in the install_name_tool. So explicitly use 12.3
# instead.
DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/
# Define our job(s)
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
fail-fast: false
- {
name: "Windows_32bit",
os: windows-latest,
generator: "Visual Studio 16 2019",
platform: "Win32"
- {
name: "Windows_64bit",
os: windows-latest,
generator: "Visual Studio 16 2019",
platform: "x64"
- {
name: "Ubuntu_18.04",
os: ubuntu-18.04,
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- {
name: "macOS",
os: macos-latest,
generator: "Xcode"
# =========================================================================
# SHARED: Checkout source
# =========================================================================
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# with:
# ref: master
# =========================================================================
# SHARED: Retrieve git hashes and set up for cache
# =========================================================================
- name: Setup cache
shell: bash
run: |
set -x
# Get latest wxWidgets commit hash
wxhash=$(git ls-remote "${WXURL}" "${WXREF}" | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')
# Build the cache key
# Export the commit hash to further steps
echo "WXHASH=${wxhash}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
# Get the short hash
shorthash=$(git show -s --format='%h')
# Export the short hash for the upload step
echo "SHORTHASH=${shorthash}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
# Export the destination directory name
echo "DEST=${{}}_${shorthash}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
# =========================================================================
# SHARED: Create and/or retrieve wxWidgets cached build
# =========================================================================
- name: Populate cache
id: cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
# Increment the number at the end to force recreation of the cache
key: ${{ env.WXHASH }}.2
path: ${{ env.WXWIN }}
# =========================================================================
# WINDOWS: Build (for all versions of Windows)
# =========================================================================
- name: Build for Windows
if: startswith( matrix.config.os, 'windows' )
shell: bash
run: |
set -x
# Build wxWidgets if needed
if [ ! -e "${WXWIN}" ]
# Clone the wxWidgets repo
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -b "${WXREF}" "${WXURL}" "wxroot"
# Use cmake since it defines the MSVC environment for us
cmake -S "wxroot" \
-B "wxroot" \
-G "${{matrix.config.generator}}" \
-A "${{matrix.config.platform}}"
# Build
cmake --build "wxroot" --config Release --verbose
# Install to the cached path
cmake --install "wxroot" --config Release --prefix "${WXWIN}"
# On Windows, we need zlib for libid3tag
mkdir -p "${WXWIN}/src"
cp -a "wxroot/lib" "${WXWIN}/"
cp -a "wxroot/src/zlib" "${WXWIN}/src"
# Convert to CMake path
export WXWIN="${WXWIN//\\//}"
# Configure Audacity
# The wxWidgets_USE_REL_AND_DBG is needed because,
# on Github, we only build the Release version of
# wxWidgets and the FindwxWidgets CMake module
# defaults to looking for both. If either of them
# isn't found, then it doesn't provided the required
# library information. This is only a concern for
# Windows.
cmake -S . \
-B build \
-G "${{matrix.config.generator}}" \
-A ${{matrix.config.platform}} \
-D wxWidgets_USE_REL_AND_DBG=no \
-D audacity_use_pch=no
# Build Audacity
cmake --build build --config Release --verbose
# "Install" Audacity
mkdir -p "${DEST}"
cp -a build/bin/Release/* "${DEST}"
rm -f "${DEST}"/{*.iobj,*.ipdb}
# Create artifact (zipped as Github actions don't preserve permissions)
cmake -E tar c "${GITHUB_SHA}.zip" --format=zip "${DEST}"
# =========================================================================
# MACOS: Build (for all versions of MacOS)
# =========================================================================
- name: Build for macOS
if: startswith( matrix.config.os, 'macos' )
shell: bash
run: |
set -x
# Setup environment
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"
# Install required packages
brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext
# Build wxWidgets if needed
if [ ! -e "${WXWIN}" ]
# Clone the wxWidgets repo
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -b "${WXREF}" "${WXURL}" "wxroot"
# Make sure our flags are included
export CXX="g++ -std=c++1z -stdlib=libc++"
export LD="g++ -std=c++1z -stdlib=libc++"
# The cmake build produces an incorrect wx-config script, so use
# the plain old configure/make
cd wxroot
./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--enable-debug=no \
--enable-macosx-arch="x86_64" \
--enable-shared=yes \
--enable-unicode=yes \
--enable-universal_binary=no \
--enable-webkit=no \
--enable-webviewwebkit=no \
--with-expat=builtin \
--with-flavour="release" \
--with-libjpeg=builtin \
--with-libpng=builtin \
--with-libtiff=builtin \
--with-macosx-version-min="10.7" \
--with-regex=builtin \
--with-zlib=builtin \
# Build and install to cached path
make -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) install DESTDIR="${WXWIN}"
cd ..
# Clean up
unset CXX LD
# "Install" wxWidgets
sudo cp -a "${WXWIN}"/usr/* /usr
# Configure Audacity
cmake -S . \
-B build \
-G "${{matrix.config.generator}}" \
-D audacity_use_pch=no
# Build Audacity
cmake --build build --config Release
# "Install" Audacity
mkdir -p "${DEST}"
cp -a build/bin/Release/ "${DEST}"
# Create artifact (zipped as Github actions don't preserve permissions)
cmake -E tar c "${GITHUB_SHA}.zip" --format=zip "${DEST}"
# =========================================================================
# UBUNTU: Build (for all versions of Ubuntu)
# =========================================================================
- name: Build for Ubuntu
if: startswith( matrix.config.os, 'ubuntu' )
shell: bash
run: |
set -x
# Setup environment
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"
# Install required packages
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-dev libasound2-dev gettext
sudo apt-get remove -y ccache
# Build wxWidgets if needed
if [ ! -e "${WXWIN}" ]
# Clone the wxWidgets repo
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -b "${WXREF}" "${WXURL}" "wxroot"
# Install additional required package
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake
# The cmake build produces an incorrect wx-config script, so use
# the plain old configure
cd wxroot
./configure --with-gtk
# Build and install to cached path
make -j $(nproc) install DESTDIR="${WXWIN}"
cd ..
# "Install" wxWidgets
sudo cp -a "${WXWIN}"/* /
# Configure Audacity
cmake -S . \
-B build \
-G "${{matrix.config.generator}}" \
-D audacity_use_pch=no
# Build Audacity
cmake --build build --config Release
# "Install" Audacity
cmake --install build --config Release --prefix "${DEST}"
# Create the lib directory
mkdir -p ${DEST}/lib
# Copy over wxWidgets libs
ldd ${DEST}/bin/audacity
for lib in $(ldd ${DEST}/bin/audacity | awk '/libwx/{print $3}')
echo ${lib}
ldd ${lib} | awk '/libwx/{print $3}'
done | sort -u | xargs cp -n -H -t ${DEST}/lib
# Create wrapper script
cat >"${DEST}/audacity" <<"EOF"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${0%/*}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
chmod +x "${DEST}/audacity"
# Create artifact (zipped as Github actions don't preserve permissions)
cmake -E tar c "${GITHUB_SHA}.zip" --format=zip "${DEST}"
# =========================================================================
# SHARED: Attach the artifact to the workflow results
# =========================================================================
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: ${{ }}_${{ env.SHORTHASH }}
path: ${{ github.sha }}.zip