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Container for pollinators

Usage on LUMI

Pulling the image

Pull the pre-built image (replace VERSION with the desired version number):

singularity pull --docker-login docker://

This creates singularity image file beehave_VERSION.sif.

Note that the image is for now private, which means that login is required. Follow these instructions and create a classic personal access token with scope 'read:packages'. Then, use your GitHub username and the created token in the login prompt of singularity pull.

Running the container

See these instructions.

Building a new image

Follow these instructions if you need to update the container image based on Dockerfile.

First: Update the image version number in Makefile.

Then, build and push the new image on a local machine following the instructions below.


If you don't have docker or podman, install using

sudo apt install podman-docker

If using podman, define

export BUILDAH_FORMAT=docker

Build the image

make build

Login using GitHub Personal Access Token in order to be able to push:

docker login

Push the image

make push

For testing, you can also convert the local image to singularity:

make singularity