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pdimens authored Mar 24, 2021
2 parents f12f3fb + a64ea3d commit 3a54b77
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Showing 6 changed files with 205 additions and 77 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "PopGen"
uuid = "af524d12-c74b-11e9-22a8-3b091653023f"
authors = ["Pavel Dimens", "Jason Selwyn"]
version = "0.5.1"
version = "0.5.2"

CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
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31 changes: 29 additions & 2 deletions src/AlleleFreq.jl
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#TODO add to docs (API/AlleleFreq)
avg_allele_freq(allele_dicts::AbstractVector{T}, power::Int) where T<:Dict{Signed,Float32}
avg_allele_freq(allele_dicts::AbstractVector{Dict{T, Float64}}, power::Int = 1)
Takes a Vector of Dicts generated by `allele_freq` and returns a Dict of the average
allele frequencies raised to the `power` (exponent) specified (default: `1`).
This is typically done to calculate average allele frequencies across populations.
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ DataFrames.combine(
function avg_allele_freq(allele_dicts::AbstractVector{Dict{T, Float64}}, power::Int = 1) where T<:Integer
sum_dict = Dict{Int16, Tuple{Float32, Int}}()
# remove any dicts with no entries (i.e. from a group without that locus)
allele_dicts = allele_dicts[length.(allele_dicts) .> 0]
allele_dicts = allele_dicts[findall(i -> length(i) > 0, allele_dicts)]
# create a list of all the alleles
all_alleles = keys.(allele_dicts) |> Base.Iterators.flatten |> collect |> unique
# populate the sum dict with allele frequency and n for each allele
Expand All @@ -109,6 +109,33 @@ function avg_allele_freq(allele_dicts::AbstractVector{Dict{T, Float64}}, power::
return avg_dict

# method for nei_fst (pairwise)
function avg_allele_freq(allele_dicts::T, power::Int = 1) where T<:Tuple
sum_dict = Dict{Int16, Tuple{Float32, Int}}()
# remove any dicts with no entries (i.e. from a group without that locus)
allele_dicts = allele_dicts[findall(i -> length(i) > 0, allele_dicts)]
# create a list of all the alleles
all_alleles = keys.(allele_dicts) |> Base.Iterators.flatten |> collect |> unique
# populate the sum dict with allele frequency and n for each allele
@inbounds for allele in all_alleles
for allele_dict in allele_dicts
@inbounds sum_dict[allele] = get!(sum_dict, allele, (0., 0)) .+ (get!(allele_dict, allele, 0.), 1)
avg_dict = Dict{Int16, Float32}()
# collapse the sum dict into a dict of averages
@inbounds for (key, value) in sum_dict
freq_sum, n = value
avg = (freq_sum / n) ^ power
# drop zeroes
if !iszero(avg)
@inbounds avg_dict[key] = avg
return avg_dict

allele_freq(data::PopData, locus::String; population::Bool = false)
Return a `Dict` of allele frequencies of a single locus in a `PopData`
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140 changes: 71 additions & 69 deletions src/FStatistics/FstMethods.jl
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@@ -1,103 +1,101 @@
## Nei 1987 FST ##
function nei_fst(data::AbstractDataFrame)
# observed/expected het per locus per pop
het_df = DataFrames.combine(
groupby(data, [:locus, :population]),
:genotype => nonmissing => :n,
:genotype => hetero_o => :het_obs,
:genotype => hetero_e => :het_exp,
:genotype => allele_freq => :alleles
# collapse down to retrieve averages and counts
n_df = DataFrames.combine(
groupby(het_df, :locus),
:n => count_nonzeros => :count,
:n => (n -> count_nonzeros(n) / reciprocal_sum(n)) => :mn,
[:het_obs, :het_exp, :n] => ((o,e,n) -> mean(skipmissing(gene_diversity_nei87.(e, o, count_nonzeros(n) / reciprocal_sum(n))))) => :HS,
:het_obs => (o -> mean(skipmissing(o)))=> :Het_obs,
:alleles => (alleles -> sum(values(avg_allele_freq(alleles, 2))))=> :avg_freq
function nei_fst(population_1::T, population_2::T) where T<:AbstractMatrix
n = hcat(map(nonmissing, eachcol(population_1)), map(nonmissing, eachcol(population_2)))
# number of populations represented per locus
n_pop_per_loc = map(count_nonzeros, eachrow(n))
# corrected n for population size
corr_n_per_loc = n_pop_per_loc ./ map(reciprocal_sum, eachrow(n))
# observed heterozygosity
het_obs_p1 = map(hetero_o, eachcol(population_1))
het_obs_p2 = map(hetero_o, eachcol(population_2))
# expected heterozygosity
het_exp_p1 = map(hetero_e, eachcol(population_1))
het_exp_p2 = map(hetero_e, eachcol(population_2))
# genic diversity for population 1 and 2
p1_nei = gene_diversity_nei87.(het_exp_p1, het_obs_p1, corr_n_per_loc)
p2_nei = gene_diversity_nei87.(het_exp_p2, het_obs_p2, corr_n_per_loc)
# mean genic diversity
HS = map(i -> mean(skipmissing(i)), zip(p1_nei, p2_nei))
# allele freqs for population 1 and 2
alle_freq_p1 = map(allele_freq, eachcol(population_1))
alle_freq_p2 = map(allele_freq, eachcol(population_2))
# sum of the squared average allele frequencies
avg_freq = avg_allele_freq.(zip(alle_freq_p1, alle_freq_p2),2) .|> values .|> sum
# average observed heterozygosity per locus
Het_obs = map(i -> mean(skipmissing(i)), zip(het_obs_p1, het_obs_p2))

Ht = @inbounds 1.0 .- n_df.avg_freq .+ (n_df.HS ./ ./ n_df.count) - (n_df.Het_obs ./ 2.0 ./ ./ n_df.count)
DST = @inbounds Ht .- n_df.HS
DST′ = @inbounds n_df.count ./ (n_df.count .- 1) .* DST
HT′ = @inbounds n_df.HS .+ DST′
#TODO replace safemean
Ht = @inbounds 1.0 .- avg_freq .+ (HS ./ corr_n_per_loc ./ n_pop_per_loc) - (Het_obs ./ 2.0 ./ corr_n_per_loc ./ n_pop_per_loc)
DST = @inbounds Ht .- HS
DST′ = @inbounds n_pop_per_loc ./ (n_pop_per_loc .- 1) .* DST
HT′ = @inbounds HS .+ DST′
round(mean(skipinfnan(DST′)) / mean(skipinfnan(HT′)), digits = 5)

function _pairwise_Nei(data::PopData)
idx_pdata = groupby(data.loci, :population)
pops = getindex.(keys(idx_pdata), :population)
npops = length(idx_pdata)
n_loci = size(data)[2]
results = zeros(npops, npops)
@sync for i in 2:npops
Base.Threads.@spawn begin
for j in 1:(i-1)
results[i,j] = nei_fst(DataFrame(idx_pdata[[j,i]]))
pop1 = reshape(idx_pdata[i].genotype, :, n_loci)
pop2 = reshape(idx_pdata[j].genotype, :, n_loci)
results[i,j] = nei_fst(pop1,pop2)
return PairwiseFST(DataFrame(results, Symbol.(pops)), "Nei 1987")

## Weir & Cockerham 1984 FST ##
function _wc_helper(x::AbstractArray{Float64,2})
view(x,:,1) ./ sum(x, dims = 2)

function weircockerham_fst(data::AbstractDataFrame)
loc_names = unique(
n_loci = length(loc_names)
n_pops = length(unique(data.population))
function weircockerham_fst(population_1::T, population_2::T) where T<:AbstractMatrix
n_loci = size(population_1, 2)
n_pops = 2
# get genotype counts
per_locpop = groupby(data, [:locus, :population])
nonmissing_counts = DataFrames.combine(per_locpop, :genotype => nonmissing => :n)
# reshape as a matrix of loci x pop (row x col)
n_per_locpop = reshape(nonmissing_counts.n', (n_pops, n_loci))'
n_total = reduce(+, eachcol(n_per_locpop))
n_per_locpop = hcat(map(nonmissing, eachcol(population_1)), map(nonmissing, eachcol(population_2)))
n_total = sum(n_per_locpop, dims = 2)
# screen for completely absent loci
missing_loc = findall(iszero, n_total)
if !isempty(missing_loc)
present_loc = n_loci - length(missing_loc)
present_loc = 0 .∉ eachrow(n_per_locpop)
if 0 present_loc
# index locus names by the missing indices
tmp_data = filter(:locus => loc -> loc loc_names[missing_loc], data)
loc_names = unique(
n_loci = length(loc_names)
per_locpop = groupby(tmp_data, [:locus, :population])
nonmissing_counts = DataFrames.combine(per_locpop, :genotype => nonmissing => :n)
# reshape as a matrix of loci x pop (row x col)
n_per_locpop = reshape(nonmissing_counts.n', (n_pops, present_loci))'
n_total = reduce(+, eachcol(n_per_locpop))
pop_1 = @view population_1[:,present_loc]
pop_2 = @view population_2[:,present_loc]
n_per_locpop = hcat(map(nonmissing, eachcol(pop_1)), map(nonmissing, eachcol(pop_2)))
n_total = sum(n_per_locpop, dims = 2)
tmp_data = data
pop_1 = population_1
pop_2 = population_2

merged = vcat(pop_1, pop_2)
n_pop_per_loc = map(count_nonzeros, eachrow(n_per_locpop))
per_loc = groupby(tmp_data, :locus)
# find all the alleles for
allele_counts = DataFrames.combine(
:genotype => allele_count => :allele_count, # allele counts (global)
:genotype => allele_freq => :freqs, # allele freqs (global)

# global allele counts
glob_allele_counts = map(allele_count, eachcol(merged))
# global allele frequencies
glob_allele_freqs = map(allele_freq, eachcol(merged))

# allele freqs per locus per population
alle_freqs = DataFrames.combine(per_locpop, :genotype => allele_freq => :freqs)
pop_1_freq = map(allele_freq, eachcol(pop_1))
pop_2_freq = map(allele_freq, eachcol(pop_2))
#alle_freqs = DataFrames.combine(per_locpop, :genotype => allele_freq => :freqs)
# expand out the n matrix to be same dimensions as unique_alleles x pop
n_expanded = reduce(hcat, repeat.(eachrow(n_per_locpop), 1, allele_counts.allele_count)) |> permutedims
n_expanded = reduce(hcat, repeat.(eachrow(n_per_locpop), 1, glob_allele_counts)) |> permutedims
# expand n_total matrix to be same dimensions as unique_alleles x pop
n_tot_expanded = reduce(vcat, repeat.(eachrow(n_total), allele_counts.allele_count))
n_tot_expanded = reduce(vcat, repeat.(eachrow(n_total), glob_allele_counts))
# calculate corrected n per locus
corr_n_per_loc = (n_total .- (sum(n_per_locpop .^2, dims = 2) ./ n_total)) ./ (n_pop_per_loc .- 1)
# expand corr_n matrix to be same dimensions as unique_alleles x pop
corr_n_per_loc_exp = reduce(vcat, repeat.(eachrow(corr_n_per_loc), allele_counts.allele_count))
corr_n_per_loc_exp = reduce(vcat, repeat.(eachrow(corr_n_per_loc), glob_allele_counts))
# list of alleles in each locus
_alleles_perloc = [sort(unique_alleles(i.genotype)) for i in per_loc]
_alleles_perloc = [sort(unique_alleles(i)) for i in eachcol(merged)]
# extremely convoluted, creates a big matrix of allele freqs per locus per population
# TODO are there too many reshapes going on?
#TODO move into its own function? This seems like it could be a recurring thing
afreq_tmp = permutedims(reshape(alle_freqs.freqs, n_pops, :))
afreq_tmp = hcat(pop_1_freq, pop_2_freq)
allele_freq_pop = reshape(
map(zip(eachrow(afreq_tmp), _alleles_perloc)) do (_freqs_p, _alle)
Expand All @@ -111,12 +109,13 @@ function weircockerham_fst(data::AbstractDataFrame)
:, n_pops # reshape by these dimensions
# global allele freqs
_freqs = map(i -> values(sort(i)), allele_counts.freqs) |> Base.Iterators.flatten |> collect
_freqs = map(i -> values(sort(i)), glob_allele_freqs) |> Base.Iterators.flatten |> collect

#heterozygotes per allele per locus per population
# gets emptied from the popfirst! calls below(!)
genos_vec = [i.genotype for i in per_locpop]

_p1 = collect(eachcol(pop_1))
_p2 = collect(eachcol(pop_2))
genos_vec = permutedims([_p1 _p2])[:]
# create matrix of heterozygote occurrences per allele per pop
het_mtx = reduce(vcat, # vcat will concatenate the returned matrices into a single matrix
map(_alleles_perloc) do _alleles # map across the vector of alleles for each locus
Expand All @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ function weircockerham_fst(data::AbstractDataFrame)
SSG = sum(n_expanded .* allele_freq_pop - μ_het, dims = 2)
SSi = sum(n_expanded .* (allele_freq_pop - 2 * allele_freq_pop .^ 2) + μ_het, dims = 2)
SSP = 2 .* sum(n_expanded .* reduce(hcat, map(i -> (i .- _freqs) .^ 2, eachcol(allele_freq_pop))), dims = 2)
n_correction = reduce(vcat, fill.(n_pop_per_loc, allele_counts.allele_count))
n_correction = reduce(vcat, fill.(n_pop_per_loc, glob_allele_counts))

MSG = SSG ./ n_tot_expanded
MSP = SSP ./ (n_correction .- 1)
Expand All @@ -151,12 +150,15 @@ function _pairwise_WeirCockerham(data::PopData)
idx_pdata = groupby(data.loci, :population)
pops = getindex.(keys(idx_pdata), :population)
npops = length(idx_pdata)
n_loci = size(data)[2]
results = zeros(npops, npops)
@sync for i in 2:npops
Base.Threads.@spawn begin
for j in 1:(i-1)
results[i,j] = weircockerham_fst(DataFrame(idx_pdata[[j,i]]))
pop1 = reshape(idx_pdata[i].genotype, :, n_loci)
pop2 = reshape(idx_pdata[j].genotype, :, n_loci)
results[i,j] = weircockerham_fst(pop1,pop2)
return PairwiseFST(DataFrame(results, Symbol.(pops)), "Weir & Cockerham")
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82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions src/FStatistics/FstPermutations.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#TODO add to docs/API

function _permuted_WeirCockerham(data::PopData, iterations::Int64)
idx_pdata = groupby(data.loci, :population)
pops = getindex.(keys(idx_pdata), :population)
npops = length(idx_pdata)
n_loci = size(data)[2]
results = zeros(npops, npops)
perm_vector = zeros(iterations-1)
p = Progress(sum(1:(npops - 1)) * (iterations - 1), dt = 1, color = :blue, barglyphs = BarGlyphs("|=> |"), barlen = 30)
@inbounds for i in 2:npops
@inbounds for j in 1:(i-1)
pop1 = reshape(idx_pdata[i].genotype, :, n_loci)
pop2 = reshape(idx_pdata[j].genotype, :, n_loci)
fst_val = weircockerham_fst(pop1,pop2)
@inbounds @sync for iter in 1:iterations-1
Base.Threads.@spawn begin
perm_p1, perm_p2 = _fst_permutation(pop1, pop2)
perm_vector[iter] = weircockerham_fst(perm_p1, perm_p2)
pops_text = string(pops[i]) * " & " * string(pops[j])!(p; showvalues = [(:Populations, pops_text), (:Iteration, "$iter")])
@inbounds results[i,j] = fst_val
@inbounds results[j,i] = (sum(fst_val .<= perm_vector) + 1) / iterations
println("Below diagonal: FST values | Above diagonal: P values")
return PairwiseFST(DataFrame(results, Symbol.(pops)), "Weir & Cockerham (with p-values)")

function _permuted_Nei(data::PopData, iterations::Int64)
idx_pdata = groupby(data.loci, :population)
pops = getindex.(keys(idx_pdata), :population)
npops = length(idx_pdata)
n_loci = size(data)[2]
results = zeros(npops, npops)
perm_vector = zeros(iterations-1)
p = Progress(sum(1:(npops - 1)) * (iterations - 1), dt = 1, color = :blue, barglyphs = BarGlyphs("|=> |"), barlen = 30)
@inbounds for i in 2:npops
@inbounds for j in 1:(i-1)
pop1 = reshape(idx_pdata[i].genotype, :, n_loci)
pop2 = reshape(idx_pdata[j].genotype, :, n_loci)
fst_val = nei_fst(pop1,pop2)
@inbounds @sync for iter in 1:iterations-1
Base.Threads.@spawn begin
perm_p1, perm_p2 = _fst_permutation(pop1, pop2)
perm_vector[iter] = nei_fst(perm_p1, perm_p2)
pops_text = string(pops[i]) * " & " * string(pops[j])!(p; showvalues = [(:Populations, pops_text), (:Iteration, "$iter")])
@inbounds results[i,j] = fst_val
@inbounds results[j,i] = (sum(fst_val .<= perm_vector) + 1) / iterations
println("Below diagonal: FST values | Above diagonal: P values")
return PairwiseFST(DataFrame(results, Symbol.(pops)), "Nei 1987 (with p-values)")

_fst_permutation(population_1::T, population_2::T) where T<:AbstractMatrix
Returns two matrices with rows (samples) shuffled between them. Respects the
number of rows of the original matrices (i.e. population sizes).
function _fst_permutation(population_1::T, population_2::T) where T<:AbstractMatrix
merged = vcat(population_1, population_2)
# get n for each population
p1_size = size(population_1, 1)
p2_size = size(population_2, 1)
# total number of samples
n_samples = p1_size + p2_size
# generate permutation indices for the first "population"
perm1 = sample(Xoroshiro128Star(), 1:n_samples, p1_size, replace = false)
# generate permutation indices for the second "population"
perm2 = @inbounds (1:n_samples)[Not(perm1)]
# index the merged matrix with the permuted indices
new_pop_1 = @inbounds @view merged[perm1,:]
new_pop_2 = @inbounds @view merged[perm2,:]
return new_pop_1, new_pop_2
26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions src/FStatistics/PairwiseFST.jl
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#TODO add methods and complete docstring
pairwise_fst(data::PopData; method::String)
Calculate pairwise FST between populations in a `PopData` object.
pairwise_fst(data::PopData; method::String, iterations::Int64)
Calculate pairwise FST between populations in a `PopData` object. Set `iterations`
to a value greater than `0` to perform a single-tailed permutation test to obtain
P-values of statistical significance.
#### Methods:
- `"Nei87"`: Nei (1987) method
- `"WC84"` : Weir-Cockerham (1984) method (default)
data = @nancycats
wc = pairwise_fst(data, method = "WC84")
wc_sig = pairwise_fst(data, iterations = 1000)
function pairwise_fst(data::PopData; method::String = "WC")
occursin("nei", lowercase(method)) && return _pairwise_Nei(data)
occursin("wc", lowercase(method)) && return _pairwise_WeirCockerham(data)
function pairwise_fst(data::PopData; method::String = "WC84", iterations::Int64 = 0)
if occursin("nei", lowercase(method))
iterations > 0 && return _permuted_Nei(data, iterations)
iterations == 0 && return _pairwise_Nei(data)
elseif occursin("wc", lowercase(method))
iterations > 0 && return _permuted_WeirCockerham(data, iterations)
iterations == 0 && return _pairwise_WeirCockerham(data)
throw(ArgumentError("please use one of \"WC84\" or \"Nei87\" methods"))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/PopGen.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ include("SummaryInfo.jl")
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