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Releases: Biogen-Inc/tidyCDISC


18 Mar 01:55
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CRAN Submission Details

{tidyCDISC}'s 3rd CRAN release
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2023-03-16 13:49:56 UTC
SHA: bcaad02

What's Changed since the last CRAN release (v0.2.0)

Check out our blog post announcing this release to get a visual tour of the more important/exciting changes!

General improvements

  • Fixed bug accessing files in app/www/ (#166)
  • Improved documentation
    • Added vignette announcing release of v0.2.1
    • Added highly visible links to Blog, YouTube, and NEWS file

Table Generator

  • Made the html output in the app look slightly more "CSR-like" using minor formatting tricks (#181)
  • Arranged visits in chronological order for dropdown list found in Stat blocks (#154)
  • Fixed bug where wrong options were being passed on some lab tables (#169)
  • Fixed bug where draggable blocks were not working without inclusion of datasets with ATPT (#173)

Population Explorer

  • Fixed bug where selected filters were not being applied when 'Apply Filters' was toggled on (#175)
  • Fixed bug where plots' visual appeal was destroyed when faceting variable labels were too long (#200)
  • Fixed bug where scatter plot wouldn't display by categorical variable with NA values (#192)
  • Allowed for one-element lists in heatmap axis dropdowns (#214)

Individual Explorer

  • Updated the look of the time visualization (#194)
    • Moved the event description to a tooltip instead of a label
    • Incorporated end dates (where applicable) to display ranges
    • Removed the auto-zoom when multiple groups were selected


Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1


08 Feb 12:58
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CRAN Submission

{tidyCDISC}'s 2nd CRAN release
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2023-02-03
SHA: 38cb7da

What's Changed since the last CRAN release (v0.1.0)

  • Added RTF export option for download from the Table Generator.
  • Cleaned up JS to 'standard analyses' drop down.
  • Created "ALL" as dropdown option for 'standard analysis' Table 41 instead of auto populating all available weeks in the drop zone.
  • added protocol / study id in prominent location on each tab
  • designed ATPT variable integration in the Table Generator (when present in data)
  • added OS Health & riskmetric badges to the README
  • engineered more user-friendly function to create the table generator output from the block data
  • ensured Table Generator output automatically updates the table name when a 'standard analysis' is selected
  • Fixed some Population Explorer filtering issues
  • Added an app.R file so that shiny app can be ran directly from shiny::runGitHub() or runUrl()
  • automated a footnote with Source and Run Date in table generation
  • allowed custom user-defined footnotes
  • allowed the selection of 'All' when a time/visit-based statistic is chosen in the table generator
  • cleaned up downloadable R Script to replicate table generator output
  • fixed bug where data_from was erroneously listed as a grouping option in the population explorer


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

v0.1.0 First CRAN Release

31 Aug 18:33
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CRAN Submission

{tidyCDISC} is officially on CRAN.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2022-08-29 17:42:49 UTC
SHA: 159e034

What's Changed

We incremented to our first minor release of {tidyCDISC} with v0.1.0! So, you're probably wondering, what's changed? The answer is "not much" change for the user, but lots of changes on the backend.

  • From the users perspective, you'll notice you can now pick and choose which CDISC pilot data sets you wish to upload. And we did have to switch back to the CRAN version of {tippy} which impacts how tooltips are displayed on the Table Generator. Last, we made the app more portable by leveraging {renv}.
  • However, on the back end - the changes were vast: we performed a lot of "clean up" activities to make the package CRAN-worthy, which included making {tidyCDISC} depends on far fewer packages under the hood, we adopted improved security measures, overhauled our vignettes, fixed some license issues, and much much more. Review the PRs below for more details, especially #81.


Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.1.0


23 Mar 18:00
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Basically we just added lower bound on tippy package, at v1.0.0 which contains a host of more user friendly options to the tippyjs library and will eventually become the "norm" once released on CRAN. Until that time, please use the following code to install from github: remotes::install_github("JohnCoene/tippy").

In terms changes you'll notice in the app, here are some "before and after" images:


And after: notice the improvement in the bubbles/blocks themselves, plus changes to the size, font, arrow, and placement of the tooltips.

This upgrade also solves a couple user issues (#57 and #67).

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3


18 Mar 17:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: