Minimalistic wpa_supplicant configuration manager
wifiman/wifiman --help or wifigui (by root)
make help
Before installation, make sure you executed ./ (Only for wifiman-indicator) > Or, if you are maintaining this, make sure you installing with this variables:
PREFIX=yourdir/usr XDG_DEST=yourdir/etc/xdg/autostart PK_DEST=yourdir/usr/share/polkit-1/actions PK_EXEC_DEST="\/usr\/bin"
binutils (makedepend for wifiman-indicator(optional))
DHCP client (dhcpcd or dhclient)
zenity (for wifigui)
bash (of course)
Artyom H.
( for help in writing code for id networks
1 - The script is run without root privileges or WLAN blocked.
2 - lost argument.
3 - Network interface doesn't exists.
4 - Profile doesn't exists.
5 - WifiMan doesn't running.
6 - unknown argument.
7 - systemctl error.
8 - package dependency isn't installed.