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Releases: Bonandry/suru-plus-ubuntu

Version 25.0 Kyoto (京都)

09 Apr 07:31
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From the versions 20 and 25, the current and next version will be named after Japan cities, in romaji and kanji, due to the fact of Suru being a Japanese word.

  • Increased from 1201 to 2200 applications icons!

  • Several icons have been reimagined with a new GNOME 3.32 look:

    agenda calculator calendar camera cryptography dictionary effects fonts book Geary icon preview image viewer image viewer log history mines system monitor MPV notepad smartcard terminal tilix torrent vault video
  • Reduced from 170MB to 30MB!

  • You will have more freedom to choose one favourite of alternatives icons – GNOME 3.32, Suru, Yaru or unofficial styles, or then, one of your favourite official and unofficial colours! If you want to know how to change the alternative icon, please visit the tutorial here. For example:

    • Alternative pictograms

      backup official backup alt 1 backup alt 2 backup alt 3 backup alt 4
    • Alternative colours

      backup aquamarine backup orange backup sky blue backup yellow backup grey backup pink backup red backup green
      backup alt 2 aquamarine backup alt 2 orange backup alt 2 sky blue backup alt 2 yellow backup alt 2 grey backup alt 2 pink backup alt 2 red backup alt 2 green
    • Alternative pictograms

      calendar official calendar alt 1
    • Alternative colours

      calendar aquamarine calendar orange calendar bordeaux
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Verison 20.0 Osaka (大阪)

05 Apr 21:11
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  • Added new GNOME 3.32 icons;
  • Added support for GNOME 3.32;
  • Biggest upgrade of Suru++ Ubuntu:
    • Improved hundred icons;
    • Improved several 16px icons and fixed 16px icons which were bigger;
    • Added several missed icons.

Version 18

11 Sep 08:43
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  • The 3rd alternative of Firefox, added and redesigned by @ChrisP4. You can see how are three icons of Firefox and choose one of them:


  • New missed icons designed and added by @ChrisP4:
    • Qown Notes
    • Skrooge
    • Xournal



Version 14.5

13 Jul 15:12
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With the help of @gusbemacbe,

  • Adding ones hundred new icons of Ubuntu apps
  • Correcting the erroneous names of icons
  • Optimising the package for Ubuntu
  • Removing all icons of dead, depreciated and discontinued apps —AIM, Copy, Emesene, UBuntu One Installer, etc.
  • Removing all icons of KDE, MATE and XFCE
  • Removing the symbolic icons from the non-symbolic icons

With all them, I ended the bugs and optimised the size for Ubuntu.

Version 14

08 Jul 01:39
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  • The icon theme package became increasingly minimal and is optimised for Ubuntu distributions.