This is a simple, static website that allows you to generate Minesweeper games in Discord using emojis. You can choose from three different difficulty levels and three different sizes. The generated game can be easily copied to the clipboard and pasted into Discord.
Three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard
Three sizes: Small (5x5), Medium (7x7), Large (9x9)
"Copy to Clipboard" button for easy copying of the generated game
Select a difficulty level from the "Difficulty" dropdown menu.
Select a size from the "Size" dropdown menu.
Click the "Generate Code" button to generate a new Minesweeper game.
The generated game will be displayed in the output box. Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the game to your clipboard.
Paste the game into Discord. The game will be hidden by spoiler tags, and players can click on the numbers and bombs to reveal them.
This website is deployed using GitHub Pages. You can access it here