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Common-Lisp simulation and FPGA implementation of MIT's Scheme-79 chip


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Scheme-79 Chip Reimplimentation in Simulation and FPGA

Time-stamp: <2022-03-18 12:13:54 gorbag>

This is a "first cut" at a software simulation/emulation of the SCHEME-79 chip (by GLS, also Jack Holloway, Jerry Sussman and Alan Bell). My intent is to (at least) use this to clarify anything in the paper that is unclear before proceeeding to HDL implementation, as well as to develop the specific representation (that is binary tables) for the microcontrol and nanocontrol stores.

The core reference for this implementation is MIT AI memos 514 and 559: "Design of LISP-Based Processors or, SCHEME: A Dielectric LISP or, Finite Memories Considered Harmful or, LAMBDA: the Ultimate Opcode" and "The SCHEME-79 Chip" respectively.

Loading and Running

Right now, only the simulator is supported, a future release will generate HDL suitable for importing into an appropriate FPGA tool suite!


Clone and install the CL-LIB repository, then the fpga-support library repository. The former can be installed anywhere ASDF can find it, the latter should be installed as a sibling to the current package (i.e. have a common parent directory).



Generally after compiling and loading, I do something like (where the number supplied to the test function corresponds to the specfic test set, q.v.)

    (test :n 0)

This will use the microcode for the specified test and bring up the console. From there, press "step" and you should see the diplay populate ready to run the first instruction in the test (in the case of test 0, above, the chip boot code). If you then "run" it should run through the boot stage (in this case before GCing memory) and do some simple stack maniplulations. If, when the microcode gets to the "DONE" tag the registers and memory are correct per the test's specification, it will indicate the test was successful. (You can see clock-by-clock tracing of the microcode in the output pane of the listener).

You can also use the console to start the DSO and a diagnostics panel. The DSO will indicate pad and internal register control timing for the simulated run; the diagnostics panel lists micro and nanoinstructions and how many times they have been executed since the system was loaded. (They should be started before running the simulation). When a test is successfully completed (or gets to the DONE tag but does not pass the test) the instructions executed during the cycle are marked as failed or successful in the diagnostics panel to help target debugging. Predicates are marked up separately so the success and failure arms can both be checked. (Consider this a primitive code coverage tool).

Additional tests may also be run, however, after the first test (with the console exposed) the sequence to run them is to press "step" to get a clear display, "reset" to set the internal microcode PC appropriately for the newly loaded microcode, and then "step" again to see the first microinstruction of the new test. It is not necessary to rerun (start-console) as it should already be displayed.

Liberties Taken

Since I'm not set on reproducing the actual chip they developed, a few (I tried to stay reasonable) liberties were taken in order to simplify the code and FPGA. Memory and chip space are not as tight as their requirements (a given maximum chip size) and I did try to stay true to the actual operation of the chip. Regardless, I document substantive (intentional :) changes to their design here:


While I kept their registers, some control lines were added. Specifically:

Control Wire Description
from-displacement added to val to support their &val-displacement-to-exp-displacement u-op
from-frame added to val to support their &val-frame-to-exp-frame u-op
from-type added to exp to support dispatch-on-exp-allowing-interrupts. Note that from-type will shift the bits into the low order bits suitable for loading directly into the micro-pc; this may change to something more distinguished in the future so the library knows to specify a multiplexor.
not-mark-bit added to bus to allow direct detection of this state. I'm sure inverters are cheap even on an FPGA, but I need some way to actually force the issue (so this may change in the future).
mark! unmark! controls added to bus to set the appropriate bits (set/unset the mark-bit)
type! pointer! controls added to bus to set the appropriate bits (set/unset the type-not-pointer bit)


I added a reset pad to allow external circuitry (ha) to reset the chip. Reset is quite common for chips of this era, so I imagine it was left off due to a constraint on bonded pads or packaging. For the most part, this is to allow a simple interface to a button on the FPGA later.


While the microcode is well documented, not all of the specific instructions are. I'm postulating eval-exp-popj-to (also see S-Code, below), means the following, and currently expand it into:

    (&set-type *stack* <tag>)
    (dispatch (fetch *exp*)))

The first statement sets up the continuation from the dispatch on EXP which is pointing to the GLOBAL cell for our function, and the second interprets it (so it should get the GLOBAL value for the symbol) and then continues into internal-apply (typically). That's going to do another dispatch-on-exp-allowing-interrupts so we should get the CLOSURE at that point.

Test Sets:

Note that normally on completion the machine would loop on location "done" (and the microcode is set up to do this!), however the TEST mode overrides this and halts the machine to examine memory and registers and test that they are correct. (under the tests directory test-.mcr contains the test's associated microcode, and test-.lisp contains code to set up the memory on RESET and to check the results when the test in completed. In some cases, breakpoints may be extablished as well, though typically I would expect this only for tests that have not yet passed.

Some documentation:

Filename Description
test-0 boot function replicates the initial boot in terms of setting memtop from the initial memory and then gets a stack pointer from a simulated interrupt. Then it does a push and pop to reverse two items that were in our initial stack (directly placed into memory). This tests register assignment, fetching car and cdr of a location from memory, incrementing registers, getting a pointer from an interrupt, and doing basic stack operations.
test-1 boot function extended to do the initial GC which should consolodate free space and set up the register pointers correctly to allow CONSing. (Note CONS was tested in test-0). Some initial garbage is put into memory to make sure it is ignored by the mark/sweep algorithm.
test-2 hand-compiled APPEND function run on a couple list structures (from the AIM's description of APPEND's S-Code). This is the first test of the chip's ability to actually interpret Scheme S-Code rather than just the internal microcode, and I expect future tests to be more elaborated to exercise all of the various microcoded functions. Note that at the time this test was written we do not yet have an S-Code compiler, so a future test may check an APPEND function output by that (future) compiler!

S-Code Notes

So neither AIM directly documents S-Code (compiled scheme code directly executed by the machine) but does give a (mostly complete) example for APPEND (which appears in test-2). Additionaly, while the representation for the APPEND function itself is sketched out, only AIM 514 shows the representation of how it might be invoked. Needless to say, the tags used for AIM 514 don't directly map to AIM 559, and further the specific representation doesn't work if we try to copy it. So the following are some notes on what I've discovered through trial and error and some analysis of the APPEND code that is provided.

Invoking the top-level function

After BOOT-LOAD runs, we have stack pointing to the top of the stack (the function to be evaluated) with a type of BOOT-LOAD-RETURN, which is entered after the initial GC completes. We then assign EXP to the car of the stack (the car of the cons cell the stack points to) and evaluate that as our top-level function. Since the CDR of that cell will be ignored, we have to make sure it's something valid if it only has a valid CAR, which means it can't be type FIRST-ARGUMENT (which would start collecting arguments for a function call) because the CDR is the continuation after the first argument is set. So I beleive we are required to use SEQUENCE here as a NIL rest of sequence can be successfully ignored (we will see DONE, presumably as set up by BOOT-LOAD-RETURN when we've finished evaluating the first sequence element).

The general form of a function call

Test-2 shows a general invocation of a function; the initial SEQUENCE points to a CONS cell whose CAR is of type FIRST-ARGUMENT which points to a single element list of our first argument. The CDR of the SEQUENCE target cell is NIL (or in this case could be DONE since we won't have anything else to do). The cell 1st-arg points to has a CAR that points to the list struction that is our first argument, while the CDR is of type LAST-ARG and points to another CONS whose CAR is a pointer to the actual list that is our second argument to append and whose CDR points to to the global value cell for our APPEND function itself as the continuation.

Anyway, the key insight is to understand the processor will do recursive descent on the EXP (expression to be evaluated), expecting the arguments to a function first, and then looking in the CDR of the last thing processed for the continuation (the next thing to do) rather than what you might expect from a standard lisp interpreter.

[Insert picture here]

Of additional note, the TR presented LOCAL links as , which makes intuitive sense (the frame is so we can move up the stack and talk about the context of the caller for the purposes of finding local variable definitions. However, the representation within a register or memory is , so I've added an optional argument to the make-word helper function such that if the frame is specified (a third value) it creates the right word, and otherwise just expects as is usual for most cases (see, e.g., test-2.lisp).


Note the TODO.txt file documents specific tasks that are planned (in some sense ;-) or previous TODO items that have been completed.

3-18-22 BWM

Still working on test-2. It mostly seems to be working correctly (single stepping through the microcode to be sure everything is copasetic). Last bug found today was the frame/displacement issue mentioned above; I had just slammed the displacement directly into the low order bits of the data field, based on the provided diagram for APPEND, which is intuitive but wrong! Anyway, test-2 is fixed so hopefully we can get a clean run soon and I can increment the dot release before starting to work on the VHDL generator for this (which, presumably, will require some recoding of the simulator as well as the paradigm is better elaborated). Also clear that 64 words isn't enough to even run this append example, so doubling the size of memory to handle the recursive call without invoking GC which will require setting up an interrupt generator/handler. Test-1 already demonstrated GC works, but for GC's triggered by consing, a pin is set and the user (hardware) is expected to generate an interrupt and vector to a handler. In our case we will want to call the GC in the microcode as we don't need anything more elaborate, but I was going to wait until at least test-3 to set all that up. Plus as we get more complexity in the user-level code we will want a scheme->s-code compiler as well, but all this seems to be a distraction over our goal of getting an FPGA generator. So that will wait at least until we have some version (that can pass test-2) built on an FPGA! (after which we may focus on scheme-86 anyway and build an s-code compiler that works with both).

1-11-22 BWM

test-1 works and have repatriated more code into ../fpga-support as well as some refactoring to more cleanly split between generic fpga processing library code and specific scheme-79 code (some of which is done through defining methods or setting variables defined in the fpga-support hierarchy).

10-21-21 BWM

Segregating code into that which supports both simulation and translation into HDL under ../fpga-support, and nearly have test-1 working (documented below) with the exception at this point of dispatch-on-stack type functions (which is how we get into the general scheme interpreter, but also run the finalization of the boot process).

Also added a diagnostics 'front' panel which illustrates which microinstructions, nanoinstructions, micro predicates and tests have been run along with some statistics.

8-20-21 BWM

test-0 passes (finally!), so designating future work as version 0.2 and incremented versions of component files to 0.1.x. Source level support has been added to the console (we can report microcode by the line), the top N values of the stack are displayed, and step/run/halt and even micro-step have been added as console operations. Additionaly the reset-line has been added (not part of the original chip) and the console also can test for a halt address being reached (e.g. DONE in the microcode) so it can display that in the log and on the console as well as automatically run diagnostic tests (in the future) to establish if the run was successful.

6-21-21 BWM

First cut at a digital storage oscilloscope simulation to allow debugging of the timing of signals to the pads to be a bit easier than microstepping through the front-panel interface watching for changes. Note that I now have a test directory with partial microcode files that allow testing to proceed in terms of exercising more and more of the underlying architecture and instruction set. The format of tests is to have a pair of files (with the same primary name but .lisp and .mcr extensions) containing the microcode in the mcr file and initial setup (including the initial contents of the machine's memory) in the .lisp file. The function

		(test &key n validate-only-p)

is defined in the file scheme-79-defs.lisp where n designates a test file (named 'test-n') and if validate-only-p is non-nil it only checks but does not compile the microcode (so the machine will not be set up to run the test).

2-9-21 BWM

Some updates: After some thought, trying to replicate all of the ancillary software that is (partially) described in the AIMs isn't really needed, and as the "real goal" after some retrocomputing fun and learning more about how to build a processor (on an FPGA) is to also have a set of tools that will help design a new kind of distributed processing system, I refocused on the lower levels of the SCHEME-79 implementation and have been building it around an (optional) front-panel that should make it clearer what is going on and make it easier to develop and debug the nanocode and other parts of the implementation. So rather than just an "interpreter" for the microcode, I've tried to come up with a more or less faithful representation (using bit vectors where possible) of the registers, the register control lines, the sense lines, etc. as described for the chip, and also am trying to emulate what such a chip would do during each of the phases of the two-phase clock using initialization list that run during each part of the clock (e.g. rising, falling, etc.). While this won't be completely accurate with respect to how this is implemented in, say, HDL, it should be a better path toward building tools that will eventually help transform a lisp-like state machine representation directly into RTL or HDL. And that's worth doing the implementation "the hard way" since by having those tools the ultimate goal of building more advanced Actor based machines in hardware should be simpler.

So at this point I am currently writing nanocode that matches the microcode while implementing machine instructions and writing a microcode compiler (essentially the machine instructions are implemented to generate a binary version of the microcode that will run the nanocode FSM just as on the original chip). Since I'm doing this only with the microcode and only 3 example of nanocode it's not a fast process, but again the goal here is to put together tools and methodology that will not only help construct SCHEME-79 but also SCHEME-86 and then the later systems. This has meant a larger focus on something I initially ignored - building a simulated console that shows most of the internal machine state in one view, similar to the blinkenlights of yore (but at least at this point represents register contents as octal numbers :-).

1-9-21 BWM

Version 0.1 designated, given that there is a primitive front panel allowing the registers to be loaded and read, and the control/sense lines to these registers have been tested. See additional notes in the 2-9-21 entry about the front panel. NB: the versions of particular files/packages has NOT been incremented, so remain with a 0.0 prefix. I expect them to trail the "scheme-79" version until the first major release (which will probably also get uploaded to github at that point)

9-11-20 Bradford W. Miller

At this point, the microcode and other code present in the above papers have been transcribed. Of that, microcode.mcr is a more or less faithful copy of the appendix in AIM-559, and probably the most important for this project.

Next we need to write an interpreter for that microcode (which was not presented in these papers though they give enough clues along with the context and comments accompanying the microcode itself that it should not be difficult),

Then we need to write at least a test compiler from SCHEME (possibly a subset) into the representation (S-code) used by the microcode. Or just use a fragment which seems to be what's in the TRs.

And finally we need to actually implement the interpreter in HDL.

At that point we should be able to go to the next level and look at SCHEME-86 (AIM-1040) and improvements there, finally getting to the final phase where we focus on the distributed/comms side (getting back to Hewitt Actors) and look at how to build a "distributed SCHEME" supercomputing system!


Ideally, posting bugs in the project or repository would be the ideal way to contact me (even if it's just a misunderstanding of the documentation).


Common-Lisp simulation and FPGA implementation of MIT's Scheme-79 chip








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