This is designed to bootstrap a clean install of macOS Sierra quickly. It will overwrite all the things in your homedir with symlinks!
Note: This configuration uses git submodules for plugins, please ensure that you update your submodules once you clone the repo!
IMPORTANT: cp Brewfile ../.Brewfile
if you want to customize the packages that are installed.
# Clone Repo to .dotfiles
git clone ~/.dotfiles
# Install Dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles && ./
Ensure you create a ~/.gitconfig.local
file with your username/email.
You do not want to have this located within the .dotfiles
name = GIT_NAME
email = GIT_EMAIL
IMPORTANT: If this is the first time cloning the dotfiles down...
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote --merge
If you want to tweak/customize you can create a ~/.DOTFILE.local
file, this will get loaded at the end of the main file.
For example, if you want to add some aliases to your setup, create a ~/.bash_aliases.local
file with all the aliases that you want.
Thanks to Smyck for making a color scheme that doesn't suck.