The mean-shift algorithm clusters an n-dimensional data set by associating each point to a peak of the data set's probability density. For each point, mean-shift computes its associated peak by first defining a spherical window at the data point of radius r and computing the mean of the points that lie within the window. The algorithm then shifts the window to the mean and repeats until convergence, i.e. the shift is under some threshold t (for example, t = 0.01). With each iteration the window will shift to a more densely populated portion of the data set until a peak is reached, where the data is equally distributed in the window.
To speed up the original algorithm we are going to implement two speedups:
The first speedup will be to associate each data point that is at a distance ≤ r from the peak with the cluster defined by that peak. This speedup is known as basin of attraction and is based on the intuition that points that are within one window size distance from the peak will with high probability converge to that peak.
The second speedup is based on a similar principle, where points that are within a distance of r/c of the search path are associated with the converged peak, where c is some constant value. We will choose c = 4 for this problem but you are also asked to check other values. Incorporate the above speedups into your mean-shift implementation by modifying your implementation from the previous part.
The algorithm can run in 3 dimensions (RGB) for each point(pixel) of the image but also in 5d (RGBxy) where x,y are dimensions of the position in the image. With this approach the distance of the pixels from each other is also taken into consideration to avoid associating pixels with the same peak but are far from each other.