A compiler with support for C++20 CMake version 3.28.3 Catch2 v3.7.1 for unit testing. Cmake will auto fetch and build this for you.
Build instructions:
#cd into project dir
# make build directory if doesn't already exist
mkdir build
cd build
# generate cmake files
cmake ..
# compile
cmake --build .
Testing instructions:
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
ctest --verbose
Usage Instructions:
./grep-file-search "ITEM_IM_SEARCHING_FOR" ~/
Application goal
Example usage: Search all files under the home directory for the specified string
./grep-file-search "hiya" ~/
Application design
Use a spmc(single producer multiple consumer) buffer and all hardware threads to recursively search for a specified string in all files within the specified directory.
Main thread recursively searches the specified directory generating a list of all entries to grep through and places all those in a buffer.
The rest of the available threads the platform has will pull entries from the buffer in parallel and print out any matches to stdout. C++ cout is synchronized by default so no need to worry about interleaving of charactsers.
Design diagrams To view use a md viewer with support for mermaid diagrams: Vs code plugin: Markdown Preview Mermaid Support, Mac: Markchart, or view using:
flowchart TD
A[Input] -->|Spin Up| B(Consumers)
A[Input] -->|Recursive search, Populate| C(Buffer)
B --> |Pull from buffer| C{Buffer}
B -->|Print to console| D[Output]