This project is done by Lily Damron, Brian Lin, Aida Ylanan, Ignat Kulinka, Liam Carrigan.
Dataset selection and region variable research were done by Aida and Liam. She added the new variable to the dataset, with help from Ignat. Brian cleaned up the dataset and was instrumental in coding the strictness variable. He created linear models and ANOVA tables to explore which variables might be significant. Lily proposed the idea of measuring “strictness” and mapped the variable on some of the region plots, along with using geoJSON files to display neighborhood partitions. Ignat improved many of these plots by formatting their text and making them more readable. He also cleaned up our R code, created tables, and formatted this document in Latex. Liam recorded this process in a report write-up, which was later edited and expanded upon by Aida. All team members were involved in creating and editing the presentation.