The Open Bridge website.
- Read the “constants.ts” file and find the next available localhost (3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, etc.)
- Sign into Synapse using “BridgeStudyCreator”
- Go to (OAuth Client Manager)
- Create a new OAuth Client for each URL (local, prod, staging)
- Request verification of the URLs from Synapse service desk
- Use Postman to copy secret key to Bridge app id for each url ((local, prod, staging)
- The “vendor” in “constants.ts” matches the dictionary key in the bridge call
- Go back to the “constants.ts” file
- Create a bridge app id const and a synapse oauth app id const
- Add an entry to the "oauth" dictionary for each URL (local, prod, staging)
- Add start:something to the scripts to start the app id on the given local port
- Use Bridge Study Manager to tag all the shared assessments and surveys that are available to the given app (mobile)
- Add a mapping to “assessments.service.ts” for the surveys and assessments buckets