This repository contains scripts for the analysis of the antigenic structure of bacteria.
You can add add information about operons to the gff file with the help of the
script. The script will add the following qualifiers to the gff file:
- operon: int - operon index
- antigen: [True | False] - whether the gene is an antigen
- antigen_type: [O | H | K] - antigen type
script will draw operons that contain antigen genes with the help of the generated gff file.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# get gff with operons-specific features
# the result will be saved in b.gff, b.gff will contain the same features as a.gff,
# but with additional qualifiers for operons and antigen's genes
python -t O a.gff list_of_operons orfs_coordinates -o b.gff
# You can also search for multiple operons at once
python -t O -t H -t K a.gff list_of_operons orfs_coordinates -o b.gff
# draw operons
python b.gff
python -h