Script que transforma Spider Egg em Mobs no Open Tibia Server
Ao dar USE na Spider Egg ela é aberta e com chances de nascer algum tipo de Spider(spider, tarantula, poison spider, GS...) assim como acontece no global!
- Crie um arquivo em actions /other com extensão .lua
- De o nome que desejar, no meu caso vou salvar como transformSpiderEgg.lua
- Copie e cole o código no arquivo criado
--[[Spider Egg
--Classification: Natural Products
--Attributes: Summon a monster when broken.
--Add: Unknow
--Location: Spider and Tarantula caves, such as those found in Tiquanda.
--Notes: Spider Eggs are very fragile and will break when attacked. They will either release nothing, a Spider, a Poison Spider, a Tarantula at rare times and very rarely a Giant Spider. Spiders that come from those eggs will not puff like normal spiders do when taken away too far from their spawn point.
--To break the Spider Egg, simply use the egg.
--Font: Tibia Wiki]]
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
n = math.random(0, 1000)
if n < 10 then
Game.createMonster("Giant Spider", item:getPosition()) -- 10 / 1000 * 100 = ~1% chance to be born a GS.
elseif n <= 60 then
Game.createMonster("Tarantula", item:getPosition()) -- 60 - 10 = 50 / 1000 * 100 = ~5% chance to be born a Tarantula.
elseif n <= 210 then
Game.createMonster("Poison Spider", item:getPosition()) -- 210 - 60 = 150 / 1000 * 100 = ~15% chance to be born a PS.
elseif n <= 510 then
Game.createMonster("Spider", item:getPosition()) -- 510 - 210 = 300 / 1000 * 100 = ~30% chance to be born a Spider.
fromPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) -- 1000 - 510 = 490 / 1000 * 100 = ~49% chance of Fail.
item:transform(7536) -- Transform on remains of a spider egg.
function backInitialId() -- Function to return to the initial Id.
addEvent(backInitialId, 30000) -- Back to Spider Egg in 30 seconds.
<action itemid="ID DA SPIDER EGG" script="other/transformsSpiderEgg.lua" />