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Indigo Visualizations in React

Visualization library for GoodData visualizations built using React.js and HighCharts


This repository uses Storybook for React

  • Run yarn storybook and see the examples


Unit tests

  • Run yarn test

Screenshots tests

This repository uses Gemini

  • Run screenshots tests only on CI to ensure the same environment (platform, browser, display pixel density, etc.)
  • To run screenshots tests you should type extended test - gemini into GitHub PR comment
  • The link to CI html report appears in GitHub PR comment
  • If you want to change some reference screenshot:
    • download new reference screenshot from CI html report
    • replace old reference screenshot in ./gemini/screens/ repository folder with new one
    • commit changes

Local screenshot tests

Runnning gemini locally is optional. Both commands yarn storybook and yarn build-storybook work with gemini installed in node_modules folder thanks to package.json.

Build storybook

yarn build-storybook

Run tests


Be aware that local screenshots look differently than CI screenshots. See above for more info.

To cleanup files after finishing tests run

rm -rf gemini/reports dist-storybook


  1. Switch to master branch git checkout master
  2. Synchronize from upstream git tag -l | xargs git tag -d; git fetch upstream; git reset --hard upstream/master
  3. Create new version npm version [major|minor|patch] -m "Release v%s"
  4. Release npm publish --access=restricted
  5. Push to upstream git push --tags upstream master


Report bugs and features on our issues page.


Copyright (C) 2007-2017, GoodData(R) Corporation. All rights reserved.

For more information, please see LICENSE