iOs & iPadOs | MacOs | Android | Windows |
Ultimate Remote is open source companion application for Ultimate-II and Ultimate 64 devices that are on v3.11 firmware and higher, available on iOs, iPadOs, MacOs, Android Phone, Tablet & Chromebook and Windows.
With Ultimate remote;
. Register Ultimate devices on local network by scanning them
. Import contents of storage media that is used on Ultimate device with a simple text file
. Easily access and search imported content and quickly take actions, such as Play SID File or Run a Program/Cartridge on your Commodore 64
. Upload and run external files from your device/computer.
. Create and customize home screen layouts, arrange functions as you like
. Create shortcuts of your favorite games, music or any supported file type on the homescreen and optionally customize them with your custom icons.
. Import High Voltage SID Collection, create Jukebox Lists and play them on your Commodore 64.
. Perform any other operation that is supported by Ultimate HTTP API
Windows | Windows Dark Mode |
Mobile | Mobile Dark Mode |
MacOs | MacOs Dark Mode |
Ultimate Remote is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Beautiful C64 icon by Simon Aronsson.
C64 PRO Font by Style64.
Icons by Phosphor Icons.
App theme by Limitless Web App Kit.
Basic Editor/Tokenizer is used with kind permission of Gideon Zweijtzer and respective original author.