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API v1.0.0 bolt‐transactions

Tiny_Murky edited this page Mar 29, 2024 · 10 revisions


  • description: list all CFD


GET /api/v1/bolt-transactions/history


name type description required default
Dewt string Decentralized Web Token(DeWT) 是我們專為 TideBit-DeFi 設計的去中心化認證機制,為用戶登入時簽名的內容加上用戶簽名的結果進行 rlp 編碼 true --


name type description required default
orderType string bolt-transactions Type,orderType must be one of the following values: "CFD", "DEPOSIT", "WITHDRAW", "SPOT", return all types if not provided false undefined
begin timestamp API will return bolt-transactions which was after this timestamp, timestamp present by second is recommended, if timestamp is precent by millisecond, it will be transfer to second false 0 (1970/1/1 0:0:0)
end timestamp API will return bolt-transactions which was before this timestamp, timestamp present by second is recommended, if timestamp is precent by millisecond, it will be transfer to second false Infinity
limit integer maximum length of bolt-transactions data array. maximum: Infinity, minimum: 0. false 10
page integer offset will be calculated by page and limit, page start with 1,bolt-transactions will present from (page-1) * limit false 1
asc integer bolt-transactions will be sort by ascent order if any string was provided, otherwise use default(sorted by Descent) false undefined

Request Example

GET /api/v1/bolt-transactions/history?orderType=CFD&begin=1701612407&end=1711622407&limit=10&page=1&asc=true


Response Parameters

name type description
success boolean request 成功或失敗
code string response code
data IAcceptedOrder[] | [] response data

Response Example


GET /api/v1/bolt-transactions/history?begin=1701612407&end=1711622407&orderType=CFD&limit=1&page=1&asc=true
    "success": true,
    "code": "00000000",
    "data": [
            "id": "0xa5baa3f32e4ac12c3af62c437850ce90",
            "userAddress": "0x7903d1813b1f2254909FE975155a648F4Db0B7cE",
            "orderType": "CFD",
            "sequence": 951489,
            "txhash": "0xa5baa3f32e4ac12c3af62c437850ce90",
            "applyData": {
                "orderType": "CFD",
                "operation": "CREATE",
                "instId": "ETH-USDT",
                "quotation": {
                    "instId": "ETH-USDT",
                    "targetAsset": "ETH",
                    "unitAsset": "USDT",
                    "typeOfPosition": "BUY",
                    "price": "2185.73",
                    "spotPrice": "2171.19",
                    "spreadFee": "14.54",
                    "deadline": 1704684529,
                    "signature": "0x43e2698fe9260a5b46d838e63ca9694b"
                "typeOfPosition": "BUY",
                "price": "2185.73",
                "amount": "0.01",
                "targetAsset": "ETH",
                "unitAsset": "USDT",
                "margin": {
                    "asset": "USDT",
                    "amount": "4.37"
                "leverage": 5,
                "liquidationPrice": "1967.15",
                "liquidationTime": 1705289329,
                "guaranteedStop": false,
                "guaranteedStopFee": "0",
                "createTimestamp": 1704684472,
                "fee": "0",
                "outerFee": "0"
            "receipt": {
                "txhash": "0xa5baa3f32e4ac12c3af62c437850ce90",
                "sequence": 951489,
                "balanceSnapshot": [
                        "id": "659b6acb5a28804ce46eeb07",
                        "userAddress": "0x7903d1813b1f2254909FE975155a648F4Db0B7cE",
                        "currency": "USDT",
                        "available": "95.63",
                        "locked": "4.37",
                        "blockNumber": 0,
                        "createdAt": 1704684235,
                        "updatedAt": 1704684258
                "orderSnapshot": {
                    "orderType": "CFD",
                    "id": "0x15de75ce81a524d0159b756bf04dbff8",
                    "txhash": "0xa5baa3f32e4ac12c3af62c437850ce90",
                    "orderStatus": "PROCESSING",
                    "state": "OPENING",
                    "instId": "ETH-USDT",
                    "userAddress": "0x7903d1813b1f2254909FE975155a648F4Db0B7cE",
                    "targetAsset": "ETH",
                    "unitAsset": "USDT",
                    "margin": {
                        "amount": "4.37",
                        "asset": "USDT"
                    "openPrice": "2185.73",
                    "openSpotPrice": "2171.19",
                    "openSpreadFee": "14.54",
                    "amount": "0.01",
                    "fee": "0",
                    "outerFee": "0",
                    "typeOfPosition": "BUY",
                    "leverage": 5,
                    "guaranteedStop": false,
                    "liquidationPrice": "1967.15",
                    "liquidationTime": 1705289329,
                    "share": false,
                    "updatedTimestamp": 1704684479,
                    "createTimestamp": 1704684479,
                    "guaranteedStopFee": "0",
                    "pnl": {
                        "type": "EQUAL"
            "userSignature": "0xbfd8735c4500eb526a748de142fa7548ddc5de49f203b23459e7997f2bd9a4f45a5b386234612d10918621c76ecd84340db095c9ec683650f28ce39c1a7d2f0e1c",
            "droneSignature": "0x939f4ae134049393a4dc9dee5d8ee048",
            "locutusSignature": "0x216bee755d465191ef2a69877eb19e0c",
            "createTimestamp": 1704684479,
            "updateTimestamp": 1704684479


  • Header沒有加上 deWT
    "success": false,
    "code": "40430003",
    "message": "did not receive deWT. ",
    "data": null
  • orderType 輸入 "CFD", "DEPOSIT", "WITHDRAW", "SPOT" 以外的值
GET /api/v1/bolt-transactions/history?orderType=aaa
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": [
        "orderType must be one of the following values:\"CFD\",  \"DEPOSIT\", \"WITHDRAW\", \"SPOT\""
    "error": "Bad Request"
  • begin, end, limit, page輸入非數字
GET /api/v1/bolt-transactions/history?begin=1701612407a&end=1711622407a&limit=1a&page=1a
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": [
        "begin must be a positive number",
        "end must be a positive number",
        "limit must be a positive number",
        "page must be a positive number"
    "error": "Bad Request"