Install "Go"
- Go language
Install NPM
Install Node.js via NPM
Install Gulp CLI via NPM
You DO NOT need to clone Claat (https://github.com/googlecodelabs/tools/tree/master/claat#install)
- It is already a part of the repo
- The Claat execution has already been made in the claat repo directory for you already, you do not need to "Make" it
- Go into the "Site" folder and execute the RunCodeLabs.command file and it will launch the Codelabs for you.
- You must have completed the setup requirements listed above
Do I have go installed?
- In the site folder run the "IsGoInstalled.command" file and you should see the version if it is installed.
Do I have NPM installed?
- In the site folder run the "IsNPMInstalled.command" file and you should see the version if it is installed.
Do I have Node.js installed?
- In the site folder run the "IsNodeInstalled.command" file and you should see the version if it is installed.
Do I have Gulp.js installed?
- In the site folder run the "IsGulpInstalled.command" file and you should see the version if it is installed.