CRUISE 0.1.0
This is the first release of CRUISE 🎉
New features
- Trim adapters with cutadapt.
- Run mageck count. (#9)
mageck count
only runs if a count table isn't given.
- Optional: run mageck test and mle. (#9)
mageck mle
only runs if a design matrix is given.
- Optional: run drugZ. (#10)
- Optional: run BAGEL2. (#11)
- fc (fold change)
- bf (bayes factor)
- pr (precision recall)
- CLI (#16)
cruise init
to initialize a project run
--mode slurm
to submit a slurm job to biowulf or frce.--main path/to/
to select a different local install of cruise, or specify the repo (CCBR/CRUISE
) to get it from GitHub.