- Clone repo with ssh :
git clone [email protected]:CDA-REM/hotel_arth.git
- In the repo directory, run :
npm install
composer install
- The
file is missing : create it and generate a key with the following command.cp .env.example .env php artisan key:generate
During development, we're only using sqlite, since it doesn't change anything with Eloquent requests.
Create database : add a new file named db.sqlite in the database folder (database/db.sqlite).
Update .env file with database type and path :
DB_CONNECTION=sqlite` DB_DATABASE=database/db.sqlite
If relative path doesn't work, use absolute path.
- If you want to change SGBD, remember to change your database setup for production :
- If you want to change SGBD, remember to change your database setup for production :
Create and load your tables:
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
To seed Voyager DB tables :
php artisan db:seed --class=VoyagerDatabaseSeeder
Declare known admin user in Voyager
php artisan voyager:admin [email protected]
or create new admin user
php artisan voyager:admin [email protected] --create
php artisan storage:link
- Launch in two terminals, or use you IDE run commands
php artisan serve
npm run watch
For this project we have decided to continue using under_score, ex:
Route::get('/home/presentation_video', [PresentationVideoController::class, 'index']);
Route::put('/home/presentation_video', [PresentationVideoController::class, 'update']);
This is not a problem, but it is recommended to use the kebab-case syntax for readability reasons (because underscores are covered by the blue underlining of link).
If certain requests suddenly seem to be blocked without (the "/me" request for example), or if the display does not update or does not conform to the code, consider clearing the caches:
Laravel configuration/routes/vues
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
php artisan view:clear
VueJS cache
npm run dev
npm run production
Clear browser cache
It is also advisable to clear your browser cache.
Restart dev server
php artisan serve
Happy coding !