Parsync lets you recursively copy missing files to a directory.
This is equivalent to cp -r --ignore-existing SRC DST
but using concurrent copies to accelerate the process.
Copy the content of the current directory:
parsync * /dest
Copy with 2 threads:
parsync -p 2 src dest
Copy only jpeg files and skip a specific directory, note the usage of python regex syntax:
parsync --filter='\.jpg$' --exclude='/somedir/' src dest
usage: parsync [-h] [--procs PROCS] [--filter [FILTER ...]] [--exclude [EXCLUDE ...]] [--version] SRC [SRC ...] DST
Recursively copy missing files to a directory.
This is equivalent to: cp -r --ignore-existing SRC DST
Note: matching patterns use python regex syntax.
positional arguments:
SRC source files and directories
DST destination directory
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--procs PROCS, -p PROCS
maximum number of concurrent copies
--filter [FILTER ...], -f [FILTER ...]
pattern to filter source files
--exclude [EXCLUDE ...], -e [EXCLUDE ...]
pattern to exclude source files
--version, -v show program's version number and exit