Platform-independent (noarch) NAR packaging for log4cplus.
log4cplus is a simple to use C++11 logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modeled after the Java log4j API.
Uplink information :
Using the Maven NAR plugin, you can then simply add NAR dependencies to your build - Log4cplus headers and binaries will automatically be integrated in your build.
Upstream log4cplus version 2.0.0
Binaries built on :
- CERN CentOS 7 - gcc 4.8.5, libstdc++ 6, pthread (posix)
- Windows 10 64 bits - MSVC 14 (MS Visual Studio 2015)
Simply add the dependency to your Maven NAR like so :
Note that Log4cplus v2+ requires C++ 11 (e.g. for GCC you need the option -std=c++11).
git clone --recursive
cd log4cplus
# Note : we disable SO version to ease relinking
./configure --enable-so-version=no
# If aclocal is reported missing...
autoreconf -f -i
cp .libs/ ../narlibs-log4cplus/src/nar/resources/aol/amd64-Linux-gpp/lib/
cp .libs/ ../narlibs-log4cplus/src/nar/resources/aol/amd64-Linux-gpp/lib/
# Copy all headers into the NAR src/nar/resources/noarch/include
cp -r includes/log4cplus ../narlibs-log4cplus/src/nar/resources/noarch/include
- Open Visual Studio
- Go to subfolder msvc14
- Open the log4cplus solution
- Select the "release" configuration with 64 bits architecture
- Build binaries
- Place resulting .lib, .dll in ../narlibs-log4cplus/src/nar/resources/aol/amd64-Windows-msvc/lib