This project is experimental.
Testing frameworks are composed of three different components:
- The assertions check that values are what we expect,
- The structure is the way tests are declared and discovered,
- The runner is the program that executes the tests.
OpenSavvy Prepared is a structure library: it concentrates on the way tests are declared. It is possible to use other libraries (e.g. Kotlin Test, Kotest, Strikt…) to declare assertions.
// Declare tests using a regular Kotlin DSL, no annotations or other magic
fun SuiteDsl.showcase() = suite("Showcase Prepared") {
test("A simple test") {
// Use Kotest or any other assertion library
"Hello world" shouldContain "world"
// Instantiate test data with coroutine-aware builders
val database by prepared { Database.connect() }
val minVersion by prepared { Database.minimalVersion.connect() }
val testDir by createRandomDirectory()
// Declare nested test suites
suite("Dump the database") {
// Declare tests programmatically
for (db in listOf(database, minVersion)) {
test("Dump the database ${}") {
// Each test gets its own instance of all prepared values
// (here, each test gets its own output directory)
val outputDir = testDir()
test("Control the time and randomness") {
val random = testDir / "random.txt"
val date = testDir / "now.txt"
// Only values accessed in the test are prepared;
// here, the 'database' and 'minVersion' values are not created
To learn more, read the documentation.
: Utilities to declare tests and describe how they should runrunners
: Compatibility layer for test runnerscompat
: Compatibility layer for other libraries
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
- To learn more about our coding conventions and workflow, see the OpenSavvy website.
- This project is based on the OpenSavvy Playground, a collection of preconfigured project templates.
If you don't want to clone this project on your machine, it is also available using GitPod and DevContainer (VS Code • IntelliJ & JetBrains IDEs). Don't hesitate to create issues if you have problems getting the project up and running.