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Gregory Gould edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the CupOfJava Wiki! We've produce our first of many incredible Apps including our most recent Habit Tracking App Neo.

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CMPUT 301 Project Repo (Fall 2017)

Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan (nazimudd)

Gregory Gould (gsgould)

Sajjad Haider (shaider1)

Kena Shah (kena)

Mohamad-raafat Jamaleddine (jamaledd)

Eshna Sengupta (new girl) (eshna)

Promotional Video

See the promotional video for this app at the following link:


"You are to design and implement a simple, attractive, and easy-to-use Android application to satisfy the follow goals. Your design must be flexible enough to allow developers to extend or migrate it.

To assist in forming good habits, we want a mobile application that allows one to track, encourage, and share their habits. Recurring habits could be, for example, "write a joke", "eat breakfast", "exercise dog", "call family", and "no car accident". The intent is to make such habits: regular (e.g., daily), unbroken (so missed habit events are noted), and shared (so there's public pressure not to miss)." (cited from CMPUT 301 eClass)