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Requirement Specification

Sajjad Haider edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Requirement Specifications

Use Cases

  • Habits
  • Habit Events
  • Profile
  • Habit History
  • Habit Following and Sharing
  • Geolocation and Maps
  • Offline


  • US 01.01.01 As a participant, I want to add a new type of habit, giving it a brief title, reason, and date to start.

  • US 01.02.01 As a participant, I want a habit to have a plan for what days of the week it should regularly occur.

  • US 01.03.01 As a participant, I want to view a given habit and its details.

  • US 01.04.01 As a participant, I want to edit the details of a habit of mine.

  • US 01.05.01 As a participant, I want to delete a habit of mine.

  • US 01.06.01 As a participant, I want a habit title to be no more than 20 characters and habit reason to be no more than 30 characters.

  • US 01.07.01 As a participant, I want to see what habits I need to do today.

  • US 01.08.01 As a participant, I want for each habit type, a visual and statistical habit status indicator to show how closely I am following its plan.

Habit Events

  • US 02.01.01 As a participant, I want to add a habit event to my habit history when I have done a habit as planned.

  • US 02.02.01 As a participant, I want a habit event to have an optional comment of no more than 20 characters.

  • US 02.03.01 As a participant, I want a habit event to have an optional photograph to record what happened.

  • US 02.04.01 As a participant, I want to view a given habit event and all its available details.

  • US 02.05.01 As a participant, I want to edit the details of a habit event of mine.

  • US 02.06.01 As a participant, I want to delete a habit event of mine.

  • US 02.07.01 As a system administrator, I want the storage for each photographic image to be under 65536 bytes.


  • US 03.01.01 As a participant, I want to be uniquely identifiable.

Habit History

  • US 04.01.01 As a participant, I want to view as a list my habit history, sorted in reverse chronological order (most recent coming first).

  • US 04.02.01 As a participant, I want to filter my habit history list to show only a particular type of habit.

  • US 04.03.01 As a participant, I want to filter my habit history list to show only habit events whose comment text contains a given word.

Geolocation and Maps

  • US 06.01.01 As a participant, I want to optionally attach my current location to a habit event.

  • US 06.02.01 As a participant, I want to see a map of the habit events (that have locations) from my filtered habit history list.

  • US 06.03.01 As a participant, I want to see a map of the recent habit events (that have locations) from participants I am following.

  • US 06.04.01 As a participant, I want to highlight habit events of mine or by participants I am following that are within 5 km of my current location.

Offline Behavior

  • US 07.01.01 As a participant, I want to add, edit, or delete a habit event while offline, and have any of these changes synchronized once I get connectivity.